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英検準1級スレ Part157

480 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/04/28(土) 18:47:54.46 ID:nfRfV5dD0.net

That's why your English is so natural. Thank you for joining us here.
If you don't mind, please let me ask you one more.

I sometimes talk with exchange students.
They often ask me where they should visit to learn Japanese culture,
but I can't find good answer still now.
Because after Tokugawa shogunage era ended,
Japanese have thought westernization as modernization,
and almost same thing has happend after WWU.
As the result, we've lost our traditional folk cultures.

Some of us recommend them to go to Kyoto,
but actually we are not so familiar with Buddhism or Shrines.

What is the most Japanese typical culture, from your view?

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