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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 208

491 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/08/11(土) 16:01:15.64 ID:dtKw4Tk80.net
I could relate to that in here. Otaku people think anime's been accepted in mainstream culture and people from other countries like it too, despite the fact most of us don't care for it much.
Honestly, seeing those flyers using anime-like character as promotion put up all over the place disgusts me. It's just so cringy and almost unbearable watching.
It's good that they have their own interest, but just because they like it doesn't mean we all like it either. It's like they're forcing their ideals onto everyone else. That action itself will be frowned upon regardless of whether it being anime or not.

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