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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 208

497 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/08/12(日) 15:37:06.21 ID:j3Kzh8FP0.net
What are you talking about? Some ads are for raising general awareness of whatever they want to spread out among people.
And I didn't say they are "actually" trying to make me like them, I just don't like their way of advertising stuff where they assume people also like their character in particular drawn-style (which I think most people find disgusting)
That I said "IT'S LIKE they are forcing their ideals onto us".
What government?? I didn't know there's a government that has an influence over how companies advertise their products or services or whatever.
You have a tendency to make it sound like bigger deals than they actually are. You need to ground yourself first. I'm not here to listen to your stupid fairy tale.
And you better change your attitude about all the right/wrong bullshit. No one believes what they are saying as objectively and universally true. We are here to exchange opinions.

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