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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 208

508 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/08/13(月) 15:15:37.11 ID:/jKLQPKy0.net
That's true. Maybe people don't like them as much I do. But personally, I won't stop using their services just because I hate their commercials if I need it.
Ironically, these anime ads are mostly from major companies so perhaps it just wouldn't immediately result in decrease in their sales because people need them.
I said he can't say it's wrong when they can't be observed on a numerical scale or are "objectively" evident to everyone's eyes.
I didn't say anything about we shouldn't talk about each of our subjective viewpoints here. Just go back to sucking your mother's breasts, illiterate dumbass.
What makes you think they're not?? Their drawn-style quite resembles to that of recent anime, or at least much different from the other ones that's generally seen as normal & ordinary, and weren't uniquely produced in Japan.
I doubt that they are widely accepted, It's just people usually won't give a damn about stuff that doesn't worth paying attention to. When they watch it, I think most of them might not feel comfortable as you think they do.
And yes, I especially don't like those just boys & just girls stuff. Are they nuts? I mean, they are like national broadcasting of porn videos. There's gotta be something wrong about this country to think THAT and you guys defensing their stuff here.
Maybe nerds aren't solely responsible for all this, but it won't change the way I feel about seeing them in public.
I don't think they are innocent at all. And I'm not mad. I'm just so embarrassed and disgusted to the fact that some people are ok with them aired on TV & used as promoting characters.

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