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英検1級スレ 194

244 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/09/16(水) 00:17:03.26 ID:tpHpasHid.net

Is our society well built for aro/ace people to live in comfortably?

Homogeneous societies such as that of Japan tends to have narrower view towards minorities because there is a smaller proportion of minorities and a larger proportion of majorities compared to heterogeneous societies.
People, therefore, rarely walk up to other falks in public and talk about problems or situations minorities are in.
Thus, majorities' value reflects their social norm greatly. So much so that it forces the rest of minorities to just conform it, feeling that they are left out.
They often fall in silent, unnoticed by majorities that they actually have a problem because other minorities, too, do the same.
Aro/ace people are not an exception among these minorities for the following two reasons.

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