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英検1級 215

751 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2022/11/07(月) 19:38:58.93 ID:Bkdkw9kOM.net
During the age of the Kishi administration, the Unification Church disguised itself as the International Federation for Victory over Communism so as to infiltrate the LDP. This is a very famous story known for a long time. Also, the Unification Church establishes circles inside university campuses to attract new students, but suddenly new members are taken to a building room to force them to watch films spending several days, and as a result those new members are mind controlled. I remember I was warned right after enrollment in my college.
However, Prime Minister Abe tried to remove its cultic character. On the other hand, any other opposition parties and the mass media didn’t do it. Has this contribution by Abe been reported by the media?
Firstly, Abe made North Korea return Japanese abductees to Japan, and also made the Asahi admit that the Asahi reported a fake story about the Korean comfort women issue. The Unification Church maintains the ideology that Japanese people must have a sense of atonement and supply Koreas with money and other stuffs forever. Abe worked to make this cult stop it.

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