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英検1級 215

981 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2022/11/16(水) 07:41:45.67 ID:D4atHP5B0.net
満点取得者の英作がこれ 中学英語ってどういうレベルなのかを貼り付けてほしいね
Should Japan rethink its relationship with the United States?(賛成)
The relations between Japan and the United States have been generally stable in recent years. However, times are changing and, in my opinion, it is time for Japan to rethink its relations with the U.S. for the following three reasons.
First, Japan should stick to pacifism. In 2015, Japanese legislators revised laws so that the Japanese self-defense forces can wield more power. This was in response to the criticism that Japan was relying too much on the U.S. in defense. However, Japan should respect peace in order not to repeat the sad history and more discussions with the U.S. are needed.
Second, Japan should protect vulnerable sectors of the economy. Donald Trump takes a tough stance on trade and Japan cannot impose high tariffs on agricultural products from the U.S., causing workers in these industries to suffer. Japan should negotiate a fairer deal with the U.S.
Third, Japan should have more clout over the U.S. Since Donald Trump took office, the U.S. has been acting selfishly. For example, the U.S. pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement, undermining global efforts to combat climate change. It is the responsibility of Japan, the closest ally of the U.S., to change the behavior of the country.
Some say the two countries should maintain the status quo. However, situations surrounding the two countries are changing drastically in recent years and the U.S.-Japan relations should be revisited to reflect these changes.

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