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Soliloquy in English(英語で独り言)

1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/01(月) 03:55:32.26 ID:xrzD51QE0.net
We need a thread for soliloquy for study English.
If you want to get a skill of soliloquy in English then you should be post to this thread.

2 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/01(月) 04:30:14.87 ID:xrzD51QE0.net
i got a sheep just a little for sleep. i go to dream world just a soon.

3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/01(月) 15:00:47.67 ID:xrzD51QE0.net
i think why my make money is not well. maybe i have not skill for this so im poor. i sad!

4 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ブーイモ MMbf-ArQf):2023/05/02(火) 17:44:53.46 ID:11O9MKp4M.net
I don't care
ア アラララァ ア アァ……be alive.

5 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/02(火) 20:27:40.10 ID:4uZyQVb20.net
i tired very much so i lying on the futon. my body many has stress so i should be rest in just a minutes.

6 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/10(水) 06:25:14.38 ID:+s5rDc420.net
i want eat many foods in the world. so i should be working hard for make money but my 能力 is not reached enough to for it.

7 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/12(金) 16:01:50.34 ID:lSNqrJvW0.net
i need rest for my body so i lying on the futon and i watching bbs and other web site but today is very good feeling day.

8 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/13(土) 14:00:34.21 ID:ehVT29b3a.net
I have begun to exercise these days.
Today, the decline push-ups and the tubing row were done.
I'm going to keep light and long.
Studying English is, too.

9 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 936a-PaoB):2023/05/14(日) 09:14:34.16 ID:ri6Rq7+L0.net
i want to send a delete request for thread in 5ch but a delete form respond 503 error so i still can't send request. but other people can send request from that form so something factor blocking me on 5ch system maybe.

10 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/14(日) 16:17:21.85 ID:7Y75wObQa.net
Today's menu was the leg raise and reverse leg raise.
Although they were being done by self-weight only, it was effective to do it lying intersecting on the bed with my legs out.

11 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/15(月) 11:16:29.27 ID:+MVAWdOZM.net
i want to get money like a amount of normal people but my make money skill is lower so i have negative sense. if i can it then i want to buy my car for driving.

12 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/15(月) 19:37:08.52 ID:DGuftxyda.net
Bulgarian squats and calf raises have been done!
It has been completed in the chest, upper back, lower back, abs, legs, and calves for three days.
I'm going to rest tomorrow.

13 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (テテンテンテン MM7f-PaoB):2023/05/16(火) 07:23:46.33 ID:bJkaONsHM.net
it's a morning! today will be happy day because i did catch good sense from a sunshine. do it for yourself.

14 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa67-5hI3):2023/05/18(木) 02:00:56.92 ID:DFf16kEFa.net
I was busy today, so I couldn't do anything.
I will do everything tomorrow.

15 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/18(木) 06:50:37.80 ID:1cz98PWBM.net
i want to diet but i am very lazy so difficult to decrease my weight. people says "you are lazy!" but i allow that word from me to me but i disallow from other people because that will become me angry.

16 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/21(日) 08:09:13.40 ID:Etf2OUEg0.net
if this world is shit then almost people in the toilet but in real part of people in the toilet by our bad luck so thing is we are in toilet by probability.

17 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/21(日) 08:20:21.28 ID:Etf2OUEg0.net
but we should have hope of this world because outside of the toilet may be beautiful world. lets drop shit.

18 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/06/12(月) 11:46:58.87 ID:DQKtSWora.net
Some skill gives you good saraly...
Yes, I don't know much about bussiness.
BUT, I feel that-s wrong idea.

19 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sadd-DIXA):2023/06/15(木) 11:23:00.39 ID:VTgZIuxpa.net
I have eaten many bouls of ramen these days where I can recognize it's high levelness of japanese ramen.

20 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3196-uS+e):2023/06/15(木) 18:57:53.34 ID:mtNs/9dy0.net
I can do it.

21 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sacd-muhp):2023/06/18(日) 02:50:47.41 ID:csotzKSQa.net
Can do it what?

22 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd02-nS0E):2023/07/04(火) 01:44:02.81 ID:Zk48ktFRd.net
do it yourself.
unexpectedly, Japanese craft tools are popular over the world.

23 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 436a-OS6S):2023/07/05(水) 02:08:07.05 ID:qjgXEI/p0.net
today i did work well so now i lying on the futon. but i have free time so i want do anything so i writing this post for consume my free time. if i become to a bird i want fly this sky in day time.

24 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 436a-OS6S):2023/07/06(木) 06:50:22.16 ID:vib+1zmD0.net
today i did work well so now i have free time because i have nothing to do. i need more money like i can buy the car but real is cold like winter mountain.

25 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (タナボタW 436a-OS6S):2023/07/07(金) 07:21:19.61 ID:OP7niXEo00707.net
today i worked well so i lying on the futon now. i try use myna-portal and i got my personal data from system of the country so i did feel to mynumber is very convinience maybe but the personal data collected to myna-portal system so if crack account then my info pass to the cracker so i feel afraid.

26 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (タナボタW 436a-OS6S):2023/07/07(金) 07:25:06.74 ID:OP7niXEo00707.net
x if crack account then
o if the cracker cracked account then

27 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 471c-jk8q):2023/07/22(土) 11:30:25.57 ID:qXSfUBB00.net
for rests, I have been playing a puzzle game on my smartphone for several days, then my eyes got really hurt.

28 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW b71c-5ifT):2023/07/30(日) 02:58:11.11 ID:yG8AtZXN0.net
duh, study for three hours was today's utmost

29 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW b71c-5ifT):2023/07/30(日) 03:01:46.91 ID:yG8AtZXN0.net
my brain got clear right after I decided I stopped today!

30 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW b71c-5ifT):2023/07/30(日) 03:18:08.82 ID:yG8AtZXN0.net
smell everywhere

31 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW b71c-Tj6N):2023/08/01(火) 06:00:07.55 ID:XO2BzQQ10.net
packets of frozen fried rice help well
decreasing even one single cooking step makes great difference

32 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW b71c-Tj6N):2023/08/02(水) 14:49:41.76 ID:rSl6Sti30.net
If it was always summer, my life might be better
Staying somewhere sunny and warm in winter may make my brain active... and this year I may finally let the concept real...
It remains to be seen...

33 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/08/18(金) 04:01:43.50 ID:HBlX36GZM.net
I never deserve to get there
I even thought of putting eyes on my back once for a proof and shredded it all into pieces

34 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/08/19(土) 00:58:41.13 ID:6eVd83h3M.net
I will seek a flowy one next time

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