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川´3`) 山下達郎ライブを語るスレ#83

1 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:12:27.17 ID:/zL+jGNz.net

川´3`) 山下達郎ライブを語るスレ#81
川´3`) 山下達郎ライブを語るスレ#82

川´3`) 山下達郎ライブを語るスレ#80

川´3`) 山下達郎ライブを語るスレ#79

川´3`) 山下達郎ライブを語るスレ#78

2 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:13:31.00 ID:lzYYQVIz.net

3 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:23:56.85 ID:w5S0tf/3.net



正直に 率直にお話しておく必要性を感じた次第であります。

4 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:24:14.88 ID:w5S0tf/3.net


海外レコーディング作品を聴いて私はとても感動して、この『サンデーソングブック』でも特集したことがあります。 1970年代の末に、私の音楽を

5 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:24:33.02 ID:w5S0tf/3.net
たくさんのジャニーズのライブに接することができたおかげで、KinKi Kidsとの出会いがあって、そこから『硝子の少年』という作品を書くことができて、
昨年の『Amazing Love』まで彼らとの絆は、ずっと続いております。 芸能というのは人間が作るものである以上、人間同士のコミュニケーションが
必須です。いや、ま、どんな業界会社、組織でもそれは変わらないでしょう。 人間同士の密な関係が構築できなければ良い作品など生まれま

らえる作品を作れたこと。そのような機会を与えていただいたことに心から恩義を感じています。  私が一個人、一ミュージシャンとしてジャニーさん
ととは全くの別問題だと考えております。 作品に罪はありませんし、タレントさんたちも同様です。


6 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:24:49.04 ID:w5S0tf/3.net
KinKi Kids、嵐、他のグループもみんな末永く活動していって欲しいと思うばかりです。先日、あのぅ、男闘呼組の再結成という嬉しいニュースが



7 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:26:38.87 ID:2F94CEjB.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onz

8 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:26:45.43 ID:2F94CEjB.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onzz

9 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:26:52.06 ID:2F94CEjB.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onzzz

10 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:26:59.40 ID:2F94CEjB.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onzzzz

11 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:27:51.08 ID:Z/gcICFH.net

12 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:29:05.90 ID:2F94CEjB.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

13 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:29:14.80 ID:2F94CEjB.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on1

14 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:29:21.63 ID:2F94CEjB.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on11

15 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:29:28.70 ID:2F94CEjB.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on111

16 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:29:54.86 ID:bIOkNzHr.net
川´3`) 山下達郎 Part197【本スレ】

17 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:45:04.87 ID:yn+0qfa4.net
■ 山下達郎 PERFORMANCE 2024
2024年7月12日(金)埼玉県 三郷市文化会館 大ホール
2024年7月15日(月・祝)栃木県 宇都宮市文化会館 大ホール
2024年7月20日(土)東京都 NHKホール
2024年7月21日(日)東京都 NHKホール
2024年7月26日(金)大阪府 フェスティバルホール
2024年7月27日(土)大阪府 フェスティバルホール
2024年8月1日(木)福岡県 福岡サンパレス
2024年8月2日(金)福岡県 福岡サンパレス
2024年8月7日(水)愛知県 名古屋国際会議場センチュリーホール
2024年8月8日(木)愛知県 名古屋国際会議場センチュリーホール
2024年8月15日(木)青森県 リンクステーションホール青森(青森市文化会館)
2024年8月17日(土)山形県 やまぎん県民ホール(山形県総合文化芸術館)
2024年8月22日(木)宮城県 仙台サンプラザホール
2024年8月23日(金)宮城県 仙台サンプラザホール
2024年8月29日(木)大阪府 フェスティバルホール
2024年8月30日(金)大阪府 フェスティバルホール
2024年9月7日(土)東京都 NHKホール
2024年9月8日(日)東京都 NHKホール
2024年9月12日(木)香川県 レクザムホール(香川県県民ホール)
2024年9月14日(土)愛媛県 松山市民会館 大ホール
2024年9月19日(木)大阪府 フェスティバルホール
2024年9月20日(金)大阪府 フェスティバルホール
2024年9月26日(木)愛知県 名古屋国際会議場センチュリーホール
2024年9月27日(金)愛知県 名古屋国際会議場センチュリーホール
2024年10月1日(火)北海道 札幌文化芸術劇場hitaru
2024年10月2日(水)北海道 札幌文化芸術劇場hitaru
2024年10月11日(金)岡山県 倉敷市民会館
2024年10月13日(日)島根県 島根県民会館
2024年10月17日(木)神奈川県 神奈川県民ホール
2024年10月18日(金)神奈川県 神奈川県民ホール
2024年10月25日(金)広島県 広島文化学園HBGホール
2024年10月26日(土)広島県 広島文化学園HBGホール
2024年10月31日(木)熊本県 熊本城ホール メインホール
2024年11月2日(土)鹿児島県 川商ホール(鹿児島市民文化ホール)第1ホール
2024年11月7日(木)群馬県 高崎芸術劇場 大劇場
2024年11月10日(日)新潟県 新潟県民会館
2024年11月11日(月)新潟県 新潟県民会館
2024年11月17日(日)兵庫県 アクリエひめじ(姫路市文化コンベンションセンター)
2024年11月19日(火)兵庫県 神戸国際会館 こくさいホール
2024年11月26日(火)埼玉県 大宮ソニックシティ 大ホール
2024年11月27日(水)埼玉県 大宮ソニックシティ 大ホール
2024年12月4日(水)東京都 NHKホール
2024年12月5日(木)東京都 NHKホール

18 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:45:08.04 ID:pvPLsEOO.net

19 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 03:25:32.32 ID:nYgInFyS.net

20 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 06:22:48.54 ID:HZDtnhgp.net

21 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 07:21:24.47 ID:xRkn2yyq.net


22 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 09:27:06.42 ID:At7jfdHD.net

23 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 12:17:40.50 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

24 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 12:17:46.34 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

25 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 12:17:52.43 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

26 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 12:17:59.80 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onz

27 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 12:18:07.44 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onzz

28 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 12:18:15.14 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onzzz

29 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 12:18:22.56 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onzzzz

30 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 12:18:29.35 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onx

31 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:04:35.31 ID:/AARTWRU.net


32 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:18:27.11 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on8

33 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:18:33.89 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on9

34 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:18:41.47 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on0

35 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:18:49.17 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on-

36 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:18:55.92 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on^

37 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:19:02.78 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on\

38 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:19:10.54 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on11

39 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:19:17.65 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on22

40 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 13:19:24.66 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on33

41 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 14:37:55.87 ID:sIiZmFFF.net

42 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 20:07:15.31 ID:XPIaMISO.net

43 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 20:50:15.87 ID:4RQ7pFzf.net

44 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 21:07:03.21 ID:hGyuCLsZ.net

45 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 21:20:17.97 ID:xRkn2yyq.net

46 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 21:33:05.39 ID:/AARTWRU.net

47 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 22:40:57.73 ID:BxnL7ZA5.net

48 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 22:45:33.38 ID:OW5t7Rfv.net

49 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 13:01:24.65 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onl

50 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 13:01:29.80 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onm

51 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 14:52:27.81 ID:Q/Gmwavi.net
「ジャニーズ問題」東山紀之氏BBCインタビューで再び炎上 「誹謗中傷」と「言論の自由」の境目は?

52 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:35:16.07 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on7

53 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:35:22.84 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on77

54 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:35:30.06 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on777

55 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:35:40.86 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on7777

56 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:39:27.76 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on3

57 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:39:36.34 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on33

58 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:39:42.30 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on333

59 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:39:49.28 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on3333

60 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:39:56.30 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on4

61 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 15:42:24.87 ID:1bO38L+f.net

62 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 16:56:20.29 ID:UhPgD/HJ.net
【音楽】山下達郎、21都市43公演のホールツアー開催 [湛然★]

63 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:35:12.67 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

64 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:35:18.50 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

65 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:35:23.91 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

66 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:35:31.48 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on1

67 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:35:38.83 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on11

68 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:35:45.27 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on111

69 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:35:52.77 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on1111

70 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:37:31.74 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on33

71 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:39:23.46 ID:7tDBolwM.net

72 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:43:43.34 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onb

73 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:43:49.62 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onbb

74 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:43:55.87 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onbbb

75 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:44:02.10 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onbbbb

76 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 19:46:02.99 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

77 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 19:46:08.07 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

78 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 19:46:14.09 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

79 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 19:46:21.30 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on1

80 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 19:46:27.82 ID:NEYDBKuJ.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on2

81 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 19:57:30.95 ID:ZqY7C8/C.net

82 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 20:03:41.61 ID:drWBz6m7.net

83 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 20:39:52.75 ID:zpFo9XzJ.net

84 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 22:31:31.52 ID:Lp1jBFYr.net
ジャニー喜多川氏とは別に2人が性加害 BBC記者が会社対応を批判





85 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 22:31:58.87 ID:Lp1jBFYr.net





86 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 23:36:32.74 ID:Lys+SNK0.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onz

87 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 23:36:39.88 ID:Lys+SNK0.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onx

88 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 23:36:47.14 ID:Lys+SNK0.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onc

89 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 23:36:54.55 ID:Lys+SNK0.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onv

90 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 23:37:02.01 ID:Lys+SNK0.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onb

91 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 00:09:35.32 ID:JuJjC1Ib.net

92 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 00:22:19.39 ID:RrEMvAGF.net

93 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 07:22:26.23 ID:pCaRg7d4.net
拓郎スレに荒らしのIP出てますよ dion(au)

94 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 11:25:44.60 ID:/ZpTXviX.net

95 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 13:12:56.42 ID:CTPse9/n.net

96 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 13:23:44.94 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

97 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 13:23:50.56 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

98 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 13:23:55.79 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

99 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 13:24:02.13 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on1

100 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 13:24:08.64 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on2

101 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 14:12:56.03 ID:8CWeFEJe.net

102 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:38:05.24 ID:+tL2yPoK.net

103 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:40:27.98 ID:S6Kh3yR8.net

104 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:55:00.91 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary ona

105 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:55:05.60 ID:JuJjC1Ib.net
「ジャニーズ問題」東山紀之氏BBCインタビューで再び炎上 「誹謗中傷」と「言論の自由」の境目は?

106 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:55:06.21 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onb

107 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:55:11.30 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onc

108 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:55:16.24 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary ond

109 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:55:21.23 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary one

110 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:55:26.36 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onf

111 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:55:31.77 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary ong

112 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:56:07.80 ID:Kx1M8WoT.net

113 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:56:27.88 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onaa

114 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:56:34.25 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onbb

115 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:56:40.46 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary oncc

116 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 15:56:47.31 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary ondd

117 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/12(金) 00:48:57.52 ID:nUZGQ5JB.net
山下達郎とジャニー一族 20億円の「ご恩と奉公」


・引退危機をKinKi Kidsに救われ…

118 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/12(金) 12:52:51.12 ID:WUp6EzCF.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on7

119 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/12(金) 19:45:50.30 ID:EbIKj+sy.net

120 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/12(金) 23:55:27.56 ID:gI953zEv.net


121 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/13(土) 00:02:12.06 ID:p0/HsEfO.net

122 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/13(土) 00:16:28.56 ID:y1NXnUhV.net

123 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/13(土) 00:22:34.90 ID:/wlyhmVP.net

124 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/13(土) 01:39:09.43 ID:JhCsJake.net

125 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/13(土) 07:00:12.24 ID:fEvRmlV6.net

126 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/14(日) 00:10:57.84 ID:vklFC74q.net

127 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/14(日) 08:39:32.74 ID:eTmxWDBV.net

128 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/14(日) 09:11:49.37 ID:sE2HYmlV.net

129 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/14(日) 15:30:15.08 ID:ReqRBOPI.net

130 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/14(日) 17:56:43.33 ID:qnSsqdDl.net

131 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/14(日) 18:10:11.82 ID:i0lFWQ3i.net
ライブは良かったけど、7曲連続のバラードは思いっきり寝たわww キビしすぎる。

132 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/14(日) 18:46:28.75 ID:Qkyvm/2A.net

133 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/14(日) 18:47:27.05 ID:Qkyvm/2A.net

134 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/15(月) 00:03:21.24 ID:OJqznDVd.net
メリー喜多川氏の恫喝は想像以上の恐怖だった! 文春の元記者が「メリーさんに『殴るぞ!』と脅された」と証言


135 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/15(月) 23:10:09.14 ID:rxvwdBqm.net

136 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/15(月) 23:11:35.30 ID:rxvwdBqm.net

137 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/16(火) 00:09:05.04 ID:RkfUlUZZ.net










138 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/16(火) 11:24:07.73 ID:BPFmrJKm.net

139 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/16(火) 12:42:36.78 ID:LwFwHB5W.net

140 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/16(火) 17:57:28.04 ID:1DpBwHgK.net

141 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/16(火) 18:22:10.46 ID:tpzCrgjp.net

142 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/16(火) 20:23:55.19 ID:oZIjvHSA.net

143 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/16(火) 20:53:56.66 ID:kQvWegFd.net

144 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 00:31:32.60 ID:Bk2o2r+A.net
男の射精見て興奮する奴 6

145 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 01:26:38.23 ID:8wEr1UVT.net
万一にも動員に翳りが出たら次から本数絞るやろな 首都圏と大阪だけやろ飢餓感あんの 神戸でさえやめよったしな 和歌山奈良も1回だけ堺終了

146 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 07:09:30.54 ID:IiXwsjiG.net

147 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 07:51:52.59 ID:asfWWWm/.net

148 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 08:18:25.88 ID:umHEl3YN.net

149 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 09:10:51.80 ID:sssQqQ6a.net

150 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 10:44:11.29 ID:IiXwsjiG.net
「ADD SOME MUSIC TO YOUR DAY」アナログ盤ギリギリで予約できたは。危なかった

151 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 11:12:28.81 ID:7MNlc5iQ.net

152 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 12:42:50.40 ID:/aThazcu.net

153 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 12:57:14.93 ID:5s+HfZhe.net

154 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 19:14:27.41 ID:um0VEwof.net

155 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 19:37:46.29 ID:asfWWWm/.net

156 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/17(水) 20:08:59.76 ID:TmSotZpK.net

157 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/18(木) 00:29:36.65 ID:FQ2mz5ux.net

158 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/18(木) 15:14:32.29 ID:Ld0twaTD.net

159 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/18(木) 16:23:52.75 ID:Y/301T/9.net
7月9日は喜多川氏の命日(2019年7月12日 葬儀)

160 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/19(金) 00:01:53.71 ID:qyYMWjzB.net


161 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/19(金) 00:02:43.25 ID:GGFCIUaA.net
すんません 今年から名古屋に赴任していますが 

162 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/19(金) 00:17:35.12 ID:jwukkdXQ.net

163 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/19(金) 00:20:03.95 ID:qyYMWjzB.net

ポール・サバティエ(Toulouse III)はこのほど、約5500年前の遺跡から首と両足首を後ろ手に結ばれて生き埋めに

164 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 02:58:05.10 ID:ZFF9g/yi.net

165 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 07:30:42.81 ID:xenF61Kb.net

166 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 09:17:24.42 ID:FmE2RSqd.net

167 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 09:59:43.15 ID:jFq6IiE9.net
>>165 79℃から83℃まで茹で上がっていく熱湯風呂を実体験をYouTubeにUPしてや!

168 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 10:00:52.74 ID:jFq6IiE9.net
>>165 79℃から83℃まで茹で上がっていく熱湯風呂を実体験してYouTubeにUPな! [訂正版]

169 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 10:44:16.44 ID:mabX38Uk.net

170 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 11:12:43.18 ID:mHivXGcD.net
流石にドームはないけど 武道館シミュレーションしたことならあるよ
例えば矢沢栄吉だと武道館5日やってもほとんど同じ人間が通ってるだけだけど 達郎クラスとなれば違ってくるからね

171 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 11:28:32.16 ID:xenF61Kb.net

172 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 19:28:35.22 ID:2PLrT88o.net

173 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 19:45:31.52 ID:4q+rkCeg.net

174 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/20(土) 20:23:33.27 ID:PeKgt1GS.net


175 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/21(日) 00:57:02.41 ID:NAMNtLcz.net

176 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/21(日) 09:33:05.66 ID:APR46roh.net

177 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/21(日) 10:06:28.81 ID:XeNBcg6O.net

178 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/21(日) 11:49:53.52 ID:xWFXjFE2.net

179 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/21(日) 12:38:46.08 ID:zGNhM9KB.net

180 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/21(日) 14:55:59.24 ID:wijC2y70.net
昔の野外LIVEの話になるんだけど、79年の大阪万博記念公園じゃなくて、81年の大阪南港Jam Jam Rock Fesのセットリスト知ってる人教えてほしい。

181 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/21(日) 16:33:16.64 ID:xWFXjFE2.net


182 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/21(日) 22:21:35.13 ID:MrZYegYy.net

183 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/22(月) 01:18:56.11 ID:d6uR7b1V.net

184 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/22(月) 07:26:24.29 ID:SePfw+jd.net

185 : 警備員[Lv.23][苗]:2024/04/22(月) 07:27:10.54 ID:SePfw+jd.net

186 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/23(火) 03:01:32.32 ID:Mj5N+8j/.net

187 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/23(火) 19:17:11.92 ID:fHTQqHAp.net

188 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/23(火) 20:46:10.07 ID:eXjO5Cm/.net

189 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/23(火) 20:48:52.44 ID:H93mwMaa.net

190 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/23(火) 20:49:51.73 ID:Mj5N+8j/.net

191 ::2024/04/23(火) 23:48:48.40 ID:S76YB7di.net

192 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/24(水) 07:07:30.46 ID:LMwhS8BS.net

193 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/24(水) 07:14:20.62 ID:Y+5LLhMH.net

194 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/24(水) 08:40:31.46 ID:7Nl6GNn1.net



195 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/25(木) 00:15:22.00 ID:pivKdLjR.net

投稿者:変態糞親父 投稿日 (8月16日(水)07時14分22秒)






196 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/25(木) 09:22:53.20 ID:aiwvqUTY.net

197 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/26(金) 06:34:12.07 ID:SjPz5045.net

198 ::2024/04/26(金) 06:46:07.31 ID:Gu/ehWdm.net

199 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/26(金) 07:08:58.00 ID:+QVn/RRN.net

200 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/26(金) 07:19:54.27 ID:e0yMnNSO.net

201 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/26(金) 08:06:37.61 ID:i1Rm7Z1a.net
山下達郎とジャニー一族 20億円の「ご恩と奉公」


・引退危機をKinKi Kidsに救われ…

202 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/26(金) 11:33:04.62 ID:SjPz5045.net

203 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/26(金) 12:42:36.61 ID:+QVn/RRN.net

204 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/26(金) 13:10:49.39 ID:6z+1y+d7.net

205 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/26(金) 20:34:14.09 ID:xvjZwV8R.net

206 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 00:41:33.21 ID:RgsQ7hZC.net

207 ::2024/04/27(土) 07:38:25.10 ID:eyAgKquv.net
42年前はfor youお披露目ツアーで2千円代後半だったのに

208 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 07:56:51.34 ID:q9h3tc+9.net

209 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 08:19:32.55 ID:oT+I50zA.net

210 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 09:00:53.65 ID:A4UfltNq.net
>>207 綾小路きみまろ?

211 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 10:02:10.48 ID:StK8EJKG.net



212 : 警備員[Lv.26][初]:2024/04/27(土) 10:10:32.57 ID:eyAgKquv.net

213 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 14:24:33.15 ID:jiY5Pg34.net

214 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 14:52:55.63 ID:XFDLjDR4.net

215 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 15:18:22.96 ID:A4UfltNq.net
>>207 この番組 観るべし!
毎週日曜 よる10:00~10:49 NHKBS

216 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 15:29:40.79 ID:9SvcF7/D.net

217 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 15:31:09.82 ID:9SvcF7/D.net

218 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/27(土) 16:15:42.64 ID:Odfyx5dF.net





A.生えない! 気持ちがいいだけ


A.関係ない! ハゲる人はハゲる

A.関係ない! ハゲる人はハゲる

A.関係ない! ハゲる人はハゲる

219 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/28(日) 08:30:58.01 ID:jpHeXRZe.net

220 ::2024/04/28(日) 09:10:58.51 ID:QAF1P71V.net

221 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/28(日) 09:11:53.51 ID:ypxWEv9K.net
>>219 せやな

222 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/28(日) 09:32:36.55 ID:+1GGqN3N.net

223 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/28(日) 10:48:50.52 ID:ypxWEv9K.net
>>222 なわけない

224 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/28(日) 11:46:50.95 ID:+1GGqN3N.net

225 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/28(日) 14:00:17.06 ID:0uzgxXW9.net

226 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/28(日) 15:12:45.76 ID:OdokHipM.net



227 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/28(日) 22:47:25.79 ID:ypxWEv9K.net

ゆえに >>207 は老害です!

228 ::2024/04/29(月) 00:27:09.24 ID:x/QGns0E.net

229 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 05:12:27.63 ID:+FnnY37R.net
Debian GNU/Linux スレで同じ事が進行中

230 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 06:49:14.38 ID:0OcKy4hz.net

231 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 07:00:32.48 ID:I6jEhb08.net

232 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 07:29:02.73 ID:78oz9BxY.net

233 ::2024/04/29(月) 08:40:35.78 ID:x/QGns0E.net

234 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 09:48:52.10 ID:o3rZxpS1.net

235 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 10:11:19.57 ID:687dv4At.net



236 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 10:35:44.86 ID:VGr3jYuf.net

237 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 16:16:19.08 ID:clFUZivx.net

238 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 16:23:53.97 ID:ULGcLXp4.net

239 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/29(月) 16:41:15.54 ID:+ljBF3mB.net

240 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/30(火) 00:28:45.52 ID:MOFHww1m.net

241 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/30(火) 06:20:43.84 ID:rPJC1anD.net
4/29(月) 20:30~ プレミア配信【松尾潔・ジャニーズと山下達郎氏に思うこと/スマイルアップとBBC、


242 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/30(火) 08:41:14.88 ID:iXT0pTkg.net

243 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/30(火) 09:07:39.52 ID:rPJC1anD.net

244 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/30(火) 10:12:08.61 ID:El+1xXCJ.net



245 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/30(火) 10:25:42.45 ID:i/C4R/ac.net

246 ::2024/04/30(火) 10:38:14.10 ID:W0VHVvYp.net

247 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/30(火) 14:30:29.28 ID:El+1xXCJ.net
【ショタ】少年愛・ショタコン Part92

248 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/01(水) 14:23:51.59 ID:5MpMJidh.net




249 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/01(水) 21:13:15.02 ID:HNm8J42J.net

250 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/02(木) 14:30:50.17 ID:23qSbEdZ.net







251 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/02(木) 15:35:10.26 ID:aD4o3FW2.net

252 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/02(木) 16:25:26.45 ID:bCtXtSCk.net

253 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/02(木) 20:33:15.77 ID:tDYUf1bo.net

254 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/02(木) 20:41:57.63 ID:tycysZRI.net

255 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/02(木) 20:43:02.43 ID:tycysZRI.net

256 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/02(木) 20:49:02.63 ID:aD4o3FW2.net

257 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/02(木) 21:02:22.71 ID:tycysZRI.net

258 : 警備員[Lv.1][新芽]:2024/05/02(木) 22:01:55.56 ID:xzhb/djO.net

259 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/02(木) 23:01:11.45 ID:tDYUf1bo.net

260 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 00:17:57.07 ID:Cjt2IfDq.net

261 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 07:31:05.96 ID:cV26mLw6.net

262 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 13:02:51.08 ID:q+V1hG8N.net

263 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 13:05:14.51 ID:U/+VoCGE.net

264 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 13:09:00.67 ID:sLYhbt85.net

265 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 13:20:20.05 ID:aVpXv1Nb.net

266 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 13:26:28.58 ID:FC7VyB/M.net

267 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 14:39:16.96 ID:ZzK68HoA.net

268 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 15:01:59.90 ID:mNQqR4TC.net

269 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 16:08:46.35 ID:EQ9+yJLD.net

270 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 17:10:13.41 ID:050vuRzj.net

271 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 17:15:41.82 ID:ug2wrZJ0.net

272 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 17:22:03.47 ID:ZzK68HoA.net

273 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 17:48:53.23 ID:aVpXv1Nb.net

274 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 17:58:33.96 ID:46XmMYrJ.net

275 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 18:06:00.64 ID:wUjnZX8C.net

276 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 18:28:24.27 ID:ug2wrZJ0.net

277 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 19:07:51.81 ID:4lmFYWxd.net

278 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/03(金) 22:26:25.93 ID:UOHK9h/3.net

279 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 00:22:29.06 ID:2epX0lB6.net

1. あからさまな傲慢さ

2. 対人関係での搾取

3. 誇大性

4. 自己像の賞賛

5. 他人へのわざとらしさ

6. 合理化のメカニズム

7. 偽り

8. 無頓着

280 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 07:36:52.85 ID:ObK0SQTy.net

281 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 07:44:07.04 ID:hLMgvDWl.net

282 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 09:10:02.93 ID:aCi0mhOp.net

283 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 09:26:08.84 ID:hLMgvDWl.net

284 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 09:38:31.28 ID:B932vhce.net

285 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 09:56:53.39 ID:jj4h3OTF.net

286 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 11:45:09.92 ID:Zk46pmlT.net

287 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 14:20:25.43 ID:ZcE8qg86.net

288 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 14:39:44.83 ID:hLMgvDWl.net


289 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 16:28:18.75 ID:Nra8qBfv.net

290 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/04(土) 20:31:11.90 ID:V2qOrxwq.net

291 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/05(日) 07:12:11.30 ID:g6AKeq1T.net

292 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/05(日) 08:32:18.37 ID:RYYGuOpr.net

293 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/05(日) 08:57:44.19 ID:45zNrceq.net

294 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/05(日) 09:04:08.18 ID:45zNrceq.net

295 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/05(日) 09:06:18.59 ID:y9KNkNMp.net

296 ::2024/05/05(日) 09:28:13.74 ID:l/U+mxxZ.net


297 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/05(日) 11:28:06.37 ID:45zNrceq.net

298 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/05(日) 15:36:24.72 ID:RYYGuOpr.net

299 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/05(日) 15:37:15.42 ID:Eqy5eu1H.net



300 : 警備員[Lv.5][芽]:2024/05/05(日) 19:47:53.80 ID:KSmhLEnJ.net



301 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/05(日) 21:57:36.11 ID:45zNrceq.net

302 ::2024/05/05(日) 22:50:10.36 ID:KSmhLEnJ.net




303 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/06(月) 00:12:57.66 ID:ZZSTt3pw.net

1. あからさまな傲慢さ

2. 対人関係での搾取

3. 誇大性

4. 自己像の賞賛

5. 他人へのわざとらしさ

6. 合理化のメカニズム

7. 偽り

8. 無頓着

304 : 警備員[Lv.37][苗]:2024/05/06(月) 02:11:31.78 ID:JJFfTM/r.net


305 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/07(火) 09:19:33.35 ID:PmgdZp99.net

306 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/07(火) 11:57:58.29 ID:ZgAhTRBy.net

307 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/07(火) 15:21:40.77 ID:sdi0Rl5v.net

308 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/07(火) 15:40:51.17 ID:2TEqtfh9.net

309 ::2024/05/07(火) 15:46:36.45 ID:6W4DKBj9.net

310 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/07(火) 16:59:14.65 ID:9XTZosIe.net

311 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/07(火) 22:59:15.40 ID:DoviiOVL.net

312 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 04:42:52.68 ID:+WO6LtO8.net

313 ::2024/05/08(水) 06:05:54.75 ID:DMSHJJF4.net

314 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 06:37:29.20 ID:35LjCNUV.net

315 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 08:02:18.87 ID:WuA26Nwi.net

316 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 08:07:22.38 ID:FSZQKi2a.net

317 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 08:16:40.78 ID:lpHKL+FJ.net

318 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 08:17:15.23 ID:FSZQKi2a.net

319 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 09:00:05.43 ID:SKoncqgQ.net

320 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 13:51:30.98 ID:lpHKL+FJ.net

321 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 13:56:46.14 ID:35LjCNUV.net

322 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 15:05:32.06 ID:7TPlRYnu.net

323 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 16:01:25.31 ID:9TMDOqXD.net

324 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 19:26:11.24 ID:FK3K6ABq.net

325 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 19:39:05.40 ID:35LjCNUV.net

326 : 警備員[Lv.13][苗]:2024/05/08(水) 20:40:37.67 ID:DMSHJJF4.net

327 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/08(水) 20:43:26.12 ID:35LjCNUV.net

328 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 00:05:26.69 ID:0JM5GONE.net
アヌスの少年時代を ジャニーのチンポで犯される 熱い吐息と臭い

漏れ出す白濁 すべて飲み干し 札束置いて去って行く

329 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 02:08:29.55 ID:awWA+lpN.net


330 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 05:27:41.39 ID:dmwF8sQQ.net

331 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 07:20:20.56 ID:oAwqaxJ1.net

332 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 08:07:06.38 ID:KamC18f4.net

333 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 08:09:32.11 ID:QC8JCACg.net

334 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 08:10:17.98 ID:41kHvN1e.net

335 ::2024/05/09(木) 09:34:53.59 ID:Rx+1rzJe.net

336 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 10:17:10.50 ID:G1CKu1f+.net

337 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 11:31:34.13 ID:u7wUsntL.net

338 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 12:27:28.26 ID:5Zj37GXW.net

339 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 12:39:29.32 ID:QC8JCACg.net

340 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 15:33:36.21 ID:G1CKu1f+.net

341 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 15:49:40.09 ID:iqgI4CgZ.net

342 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 19:32:18.58 ID:dmwF8sQQ.net

343 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 20:06:51.38 ID:gOy5K6n8.net

344 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 20:12:04.89 ID:UEdMUoD8.net

345 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/09(木) 21:32:55.23 ID:BDL2pKTs.net

346 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 11:55:43.20 ID:kZUqQGwH.net

347 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 13:41:04.65 ID:bN912Tqu.net

348 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 14:17:18.92 ID:GQ1/P95y.net

349 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 14:41:33.28 ID:Favwxqzg.net

350 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 16:23:10.17 ID:cSYABcBa.net

351 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 16:35:41.03 ID:c3+9jyQa.net

352 ::2024/05/10(金) 17:02:06.62 ID:s3xkTFdg.net

353 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 17:08:36.06 ID:D1oFefz6.net


354 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 17:10:17.53 ID:D1oFefz6.net

355 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 17:35:24.53 ID:7Pi70N8X.net

356 ::2024/05/10(金) 17:54:30.77 ID:VwWrQdmN.net

357 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 19:39:25.97 ID:gASP6EFq.net

358 ::2024/05/10(金) 20:13:03.90 ID:VwWrQdmN.net

359 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 21:41:19.70 ID:4nslCeJ7.net

360 ::2024/05/10(金) 22:14:28.44 ID:s3xkTFdg.net

361 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/10(金) 23:15:57.51 ID:6r099LVg.net

362 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 00:39:37.07 ID:8xj1OHmR.net

363 ::2024/05/11(土) 07:09:52.25 ID:ww/jQGOp.net

364 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 07:12:31.86 ID:uTO8w1RL.net


365 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 08:04:28.29 ID:b58vk2+f.net

366 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 09:26:28.81 ID:5NllL81i.net

367 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 10:53:19.22 ID:Ad+pm0NT.net

368 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 12:53:33.74 ID:m5lrze4A.net

369 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 12:55:14.89 ID:m5lrze4A.net

370 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 13:48:55.08 ID:b58vk2+f.net

371 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 14:11:23.19 ID:uTO8w1RL.net

372 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 16:26:19.62 ID:t0UuhUO9.net

373 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 16:28:32.09 ID:m5lrze4A.net

374 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 16:28:57.56 ID:m5lrze4A.net

375 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 16:37:18.02 ID:GCPwwPU5.net

376 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 20:05:35.57 ID:8xj1OHmR.net



正直に 率直にお話しておく必要性を感じた次第であります。

377 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 20:05:50.16 ID:8xj1OHmR.net


海外レコーディング作品を聴いて私はとても感動して、この『サンデーソングブック』でも特集したことがあります。 1970年代の末に、私の音楽を

378 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 20:06:05.64 ID:8xj1OHmR.net
前:NO MUSIC NO NAME[sage] 投稿日:2024/04/08(月) 23:24:33.02 ID:w5S0tf/3 [3/4]
たくさんのジャニーズのライブに接することができたおかげで、KinKi Kidsとの出会いがあって、そこから『硝子の少年』という作品を書くことができて、
昨年の『Amazing Love』まで彼らとの絆は、ずっと続いております。 芸能というのは人間が作るものである以上、人間同士のコミュニケーションが
必須です。いや、ま、どんな業界会社、組織でもそれは変わらないでしょう。 人間同士の密な関係が構築できなければ良い作品など生まれま

らえる作品を作れたこと。そのような機会を与えていただいたことに心から恩義を感じています。  私が一個人、一ミュージシャンとしてジャニーさん
ととは全くの別問題だと考えております。 作品に罪はありませんし、タレントさんたちも同様です。


379 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 20:06:16.77 ID:8xj1OHmR.net
KinKi Kids、嵐、他のグループもみんな末永く活動していって欲しいと思うばかりです。先日、あのぅ、男闘呼組の再結成という嬉しいニュースが



380 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 20:08:04.51 ID:ZYGX30El.net

381 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 21:14:32.24 ID:itOxf0SN.net

382 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/11(土) 21:16:00.56 ID:ZE1soqyI.net

383 ::2024/05/11(土) 21:37:43.63 ID:uTO8w1RL.net

384 ::2024/05/11(土) 22:03:45.18 ID:+GWhH7KR.net

385 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/12(日) 02:56:05.67 ID:FMWkUTQa.net

386 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/12(日) 09:01:20.40 ID:emomsGnm.net

387 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/12(日) 09:58:52.98 ID:F179HsYI.net

388 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/12(日) 11:00:45.15 ID:3CrsJ9jU.net

389 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/12(日) 11:01:12.01 ID:3CrsJ9jU.net

390 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/12(日) 11:39:22.59 ID:emomsGnm.net

391 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/12(日) 13:54:59.76 ID:F179HsYI.net

392 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/05/12(日) 16:35:04.73 ID:+sihm/Hw.net

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