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1 :名無しさん:2018/07/03(火) 16:37:30.56 ID:D8TREKVIs

2 :名無しさん:2018/08/02(木) 15:36:38.53 ID:kIdIInmZA

A female racist manga artist ,Toshiko Hasumi has not apologized for the insult against Syrian refugees. Hasumi brags about her racism illustration.
Her residence in , “889 -20 Higashimorokawa , Koga-shi , Ibaraki-ken , JAPAN , 306-0124”.
Instead, she made another insult against all Islamic refugees in which she argued that all children in refugee camps will become ISIS militants.
She hates Christians , Jews and Muslims. She loves only “Japanese shinto”.
It’s hard to understand, but this 40 year old woman seemed to have been thinking that this would be some kind of excuse.
It is said that it’s no use discussing with such dumb trolls.
********** Trump , Cohen , Hannity , Giuliani, Hong Kong , Los Angeles Times ,Tibet , UNIC , Le Monde, RACISM , United Nations Security Council, Paris , London , LGBT **********

Toshiko Hasumi, one of Sugita’s closest collaborators, is also known as the racist cartoonist who provoked a huge controversy by depicting a little Syrian refugee girl as a natural-born thief.
After it was revealed that the cartoon was a poor plagiarism, Hasumi hastily made some small changes, saying that it was her own artwork.
Japanese PM Shinzo Abe praises Mio Sugita ,who is a notable racist congresswoman .
Despite her poor drawing ability, Hasumi is helping Mio Sugita with her public relations including election campaigns.

3 :名無しさん:2018/10/09(火) 14:33:34.58 ID:Xb644rFmI

4 :名無しさん:2018/10/18(木) 17:40:39.57 ID:5BN5+lMYF
ちょんこ wwww 

5 :名無しさん:2018/10/18(木) 17:42:14.12 ID:5BN5+lMYF

6 :名無しさん:2018/11/06(火) 07:21:02.11 ID:Z6e5FNI0a
犯罪朝鮮人よ クタバレ

7 :名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2019/07/21(日) 13:38:42.91 ID:iGnqmAhyb

8 :名無しさん:2020/08/08(土) 22:42:36.77 ID:vhAiQCKnK

9 :名無しさん:2020/08/20(木) 13:30:34.47 ID:jFLmmJ8Bs

10 :名無しさん:2020/08/25(火) 10:10:22.09 ID:cGtemuzcU

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