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Why is Namihei an eminent target for ridiculing?

1 :考える名無しさん:2022/10/15(土) 16:52:14.28 0.net

2 :考える名無しさん:2022/10/15(土) 17:02:29.10 0.net
Right wing seems to be supercilious due to ignorance
so I feel some contempt about them.

3 :塩なめくじ:2022/10/16(日) 00:03:04.50 ID:gUuCKHLi0.net

4 :考える名無しさん:2022/10/16(日) 01:52:49.86 0.net
China has 1 billion internet users, and nearly all of them go online by mobile phone, according to the government-sanctioned China Internet Network Information Center.

Only 33% use desktop computers at all — and mostly in addition to mobile phones. Tencent says WeChat had 1.3 billion users worldwide as of the end of June.

5 :考える名無しさん:2022/10/16(日) 02:14:13.35 0.net
This is tsuno garai!

6 :考える名無しさん:2022/10/16(日) 06:49:58.56 0.net
Good morning!😃

7 :考える名無しさん:2022/10/16(日) 11:57:57.81 0.net
What made Namihei despair?

8 :考える名無しさん:2022/10/16(日) 14:05:39.61 0.net
Namihei was fed up with recent dull weather.
So he has been feeling a bit down lately.
But Namihei's colleagues always cheer him up.

But actually Namihei is unemployment for a long term, so it's not real, just fantasy.

9 :考える名無しさん:2022/10/22(土) 18:38:49.33 0.net
Namihei, no more don't be bottom of the pile in this society!

10 :考える名無しさん:2023/09/24(日) 07:03:48.81 0.net

11 :考える名無しさん:2023/09/30(土) 18:45:11.94 0.net

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