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The judiciary should judge correctly

1 :考える名無しさん:2023/11/03(金) 16:17:26.24 ID:0.net
Hamas is at fault for carrying out the terrorism at this point.
Not all Palestinians are guilty
In other words, this is a false accusation
They are carrying out an all-out attack based on false accusations.
It's like arresting an innocent person.
How dangerous is it to rely on emotions and have no logic?
Therefore, the judiciary must function properly.
And the judiciary must be followed by every country.

2 :考える名無しさん:2023/11/03(金) 18:37:29.79 ID:0.net
Hey, you good little old dude! HOW are you doing?

3 :考える名無しさん:2023/11/03(金) 19:04:22.40 ID:0.net

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