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True English

1 :Oxid :2019/10/01(火) 09:21:48.09 ID:inA98z9G0.net
I am an English speaker. I don't know Japanese at all. If you want practice - come here.

2 :Oxid :2019/10/01(火) 09:30:14.57 ID:inA98z9G0.net
Japanese people is very welcoming they said. They will want to practice, they said. Well, then. Maybe i don't understand how Japanese boards works

3 :Oxid :2019/10/01(火) 09:39:26.50 ID:inA98z9G0.net
Actually - all Japanese boards is incredible hard to undersand for any foreigner. This design making me cry with blood tears. Japanese is above all the other countries. But... Design...

4 :三年英太郎 :2019/10/01(火) 10:06:25.38 ID:wIq/lpeA0.net
Are you from Russia?

For here, we don't use common browses like Chrome and the like,
but special ones exclusively for 5ch.

Live 5ch, Jane Style, ChMate, etc. Try them!

5 :Oxid :2019/10/01(火) 10:17:04.69 ID:inA98z9G0.net
How do you know?
Even browsers is different.
I've never heard about them.
I thouth - this is will be fun, to talk with non native speakers. But... I think, that my "friend" just laughed at me an send me here
I'm sorry for posting. No one needs this shit

6 :三年英太郎 :2019/10/01(火) 10:19:08.23 ID:wIq/lpeA0.net
Well, 5ch is not designed for non-japanese speakers ....

7 :Oxid :2019/10/01(火) 10:26:51.00 ID:inA98z9G0.net
What's the difference? I used boards before. I know "a little" Japanese. But this board is totally different. I barely can understand, how you can answer, how you can post and so ever

8 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/10/01(火) 12:47:31.07 ID:w+RTZHrm0.net
I use safari.

9 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/10/01(火) 12:54:02.85 ID:w+RTZHrm0.net
You don't need registration in advance to
use, that is to write in or to read.
But, don't write abuse or slander.
The administer of this board will pass the
information who wrote illegal things to
police if the abused can get a paper from
a court. Then, you are arrested.

10 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/10/07(月) 00:21:22.52 ID:0K3/QCr30.net
Where are you from ?

11 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/11/05(火) 06:27:10.30 ID:OIVrC3L30.net
ネイティブはtrue englishとか言わねーだろ

12 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ e944-bpCu):2020/06/07(日) 06:37:17 ID:dtQUiyyX0.net

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