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日本語→英語スレ part414

1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/02/10(月) 23:59:12.91 ID:C6JfyM9T0.net




文法の議論も基本禁止  荒れるから。
文法の議論をしたい人は文法スレへ  文法の鬼みたいな人がたくさんいます。

また、ここでの英訳は無償ボランティア同然なので、どの英訳を選ぶかは、依頼者の選択・責任です。  誤訳でも泣かない・・・

日本語→英語スレ part413

829 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 595a-ag1H):2020/07/27(月) 21:17:24 ID:YTcs5OvB0.net
allow me to spell it out for you
what I'm trying to say is you don't have any taste

830 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/27(月) 21:31:14.57 ID:pFVPuP2sH.net
I guess Princess Diana must have been killed by an assassin sent by a secret society.
There must be a bigger picture behind the apparent traffic death of Princess Diana.
It'd be too ignorant to believe that the death of Princess Diana was just an accident.

831 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd33-EES7):2020/07/27(月) 21:45:00 ID:B6ceuYk0d.net
a retardかな?
We ain’t retards, the way teachers thought

832 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 595a-ag1H):2020/07/27(月) 22:05:52 ID:YTcs5OvB0.net
my gut tells me Daianna bought the farm had something to do with a crime ring or something

833 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 595a-ag1H):2020/07/27(月) 22:08:25 ID:YTcs5OvB0.net
are you retarded ?
even retarded monkey could do it 

834 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/28(火) 03:12:00.28 ID:wDghtdiyd.net

A. AIロボットによる産業構造の変化は新たな仕事を生むか?
Will the transformation of industrial structures driven by AI robots bring about new jobs?

B. 安楽死の厳しいポリシーの緩和は弱り果て生活の質がかなり悪化した高齢者は利益を教授できるか?
Would the deregulation of the strict policies on euthanasia benefit the helpless elderly by giving them a choice to be euthanized when quality of their life seriously deteriorates?

C. SDGsなどの温暖化対策は本当に効果的か?
Are climate change counter measures like SDGs really effective?

D. 堕胎により命を奪うことは道徳的に許容できるか?
Is taking one's life out of abortion morally acceptable?

E. パンデミック時に年配重傷患者より若者重傷患者を助けるような命に優先事項をつけることは正当化できるか?
Is putting priority on lives like saving dying youngs over olds under the pandemic justifiable?

F. 過去のテレビのように、インターネットはステレオタイプを作り出すか?
Does the internet make stereotypes just like TV did in the past?

835 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/28(火) 03:17:25.03 ID:wDghtdiyd.net
G. これから迫る人口爆発は地球やその生態系に深刻な影響を与えるか?
Would the incoming explosive population growth seriously affects the earth and its ecologies?

H. 若者が論文を書くときに人のアイデアを盗用することを防ぐ手立てはあるか?
Is there a way to prevent young people from plagiarizing other people's idea when writing a thesis?

I. 反社会的組織は社会が機能する上で必要悪か?
Are antisocial organizations a necessary evil for societies to properly function?

J. 十代の望まれない妊娠を防止するために学校は若者に性教育を提供するべきか?
Should schools provide more sex education to youngs in order to prevent unintended teenage pregnancies?

K. 世界は中国をアメリカに代わる世界のリーダーとして受け入れるか?
Will the world accept China as the world leader in lieu of the US.

836 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ILW 0H53-O1SM):2020/07/28(火) 16:12:44 ID:ZujDwrxgH.net

> A. AIロボットによる産業構造の変化は新たな仕事を生むか?
new jobsだと、雇用が創出されるって感じだけど、そう言う意味なのかな

Will the structural shift of industries caused by AI create new types of work?

> B. 安楽死の厳しいポリシーの緩和は弱り果て生活の質がかなり悪化した高齢者は利益を教授できるか?

Would the relaxation of the strict ban on euthanasia be beneficial to the elderly with poor heath conditions and quality of life?

> E. パンデミック時に年配重傷患者より若者重傷患者を助けるような命に優先事項をつけることは正当化できるか?

Is it justifiable to prioritise the lives of young patients over those of older patients during the pandemic?

> F. 過去のテレビのように、インターネットはステレオタイプを作り出すか?
> Does the internet make stereotypes just like TV did in the past?

make -> generate

837 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ILW 0H53-O1SM):2020/07/28(火) 16:23:00 ID:xSmnGEJ4H.net
> I. 反社会的組織は社会が機能する上で必要悪か?

Organized crime とかcriminal organizationとかかな

> J. 十代の望まれない妊娠を防止するために学校は若者に性教育を提供するべきか?

to youngsは余計な気がするけど、これは個人的な好み
残すならtheir unintended pregnanciesにするかな

> K. 世界は中国をアメリカに代わる世界のリーダーとして受け入れるか?

In lieu ofがそういう意味で使えるのかいまいち確信が持てない
As the new world leader after the U.S.とかにしちゃうかも

838 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/28(火) 17:47:52.33 ID:wDghtdiyd.net

839 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPW 0H6b-EES7):2020/07/28(火) 21:32:34 ID:s3XrmOTCH.net
よろしくお願いします 1/4


840 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPW 0H6b-EES7):2020/07/28(火) 21:33:27 ID:s3XrmOTCH.net


841 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPW 0H6b-EES7):2020/07/28(火) 21:33:51 ID:s3XrmOTCH.net


842 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPW 0H6b-EES7):2020/07/28(火) 21:34:44 ID:s3XrmOTCH.net
4/4 翻訳可能なもののみで結構です。


843 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPW 0H6b-EES7):2020/07/28(火) 21:44:59 ID:s3XrmOTCH.net

> 迫りくる死が不可避な状況が大前提なのは賛成ですが、耐え難い苦痛やその緩和手立てがないという条件は…


844 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/28(火) 23:06:19.57 ID:aBtwao700.net

845 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/29(水) 01:14:19.09 ID:yAkYOEdu0.net
I left my rice cooker unused for a few months with cooked rice in it.
One day I opened it fearfully, and, ugh, found it swarming with small bugs.
So surprised I shut it again immediately.
I wonder how and where they entered there from.

846 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ba9d-1vA1):2020/07/29(水) 11:00:06 ID:1r7yRN9o0.net
上を見て 振り返る 繰り返しては
下を見て探してた半透明な 結晶
前後する曖昧な記憶 燃やす量はことごとく
白く上がる煙 しら切るFlygirl
毎日 毎日 SmokeするMarijuana
俺が育ててる 俺と仲間達で育ててる
質悪い世間出回るの遅い 無え用 金じゃない
声枯らす為 吸い込む 極上なWeed
日本 Made Hottown熊谷が地元
此処に居るいつでも ここから飛び立つ
zigzagの裏巻き 願い事のようにリリックを書いて
太いBeats 人生の核 地を這う
言葉行動1つ全員 わからしてやる
gramでもKgでもいいよ大体 Joint先に光る橙色
集合 お上解散しろ独りで見れない希望
じっと 考えてるLyricをそれは一人でも大勢でも変わらない事
寒暖が最近心 察して先歩く見ろ表情
2、3日後体が空く 家まで迎えに行くからよまた 会おう

847 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ba9d-1vA1):2020/07/29(水) 11:00:33 ID:1r7yRN9o0.net
降ろすRHYME 災いや偽りはいらない
耳に入るその飛び 偽物は効かない
手にSMOKE 災いや偽りはいらない
音に浸かるこの旅 言い訳は聞かない
吹いた神の息吹 GODBREATHの導き

848 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ba9d-1vA1):2020/07/29(水) 11:00:56 ID:1r7yRN9o0.net
映す鏡 憎まれては世にはばかり
降りしきる雨の中 飛沫揚げた羽ばたき
空を舞う でけぇ羽振り よくする羽振り
雲描くペンを 走るだけ書き溜め
ぶちまける GREEN CRACK 仰ぐ 左団扇で
ポリスや 邪魔者に 何一つ話さず
違法大麻 不法所持してる肌身離さず
音鳴らす この葉は 営利ついた言霊
耳を刺し 目につく 口に出す仕事柄
自分で薬盛り 届きそうな月より
消えるONE ROLLはこの飛び 燃えて罪滅ぼし
神の施し 寄せて返す 俺の所に
火の種 熱したライムこそ冷ましたほとぼり
この後に 及んで眠れず 夜は朝方
山盛り ケミカルより よりHIGHな明日が
見えるGOALが 遥か星の彼方じゃ
溶かした GRAMはGOLDより高い花束

849 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ba9d-1vA1):2020/07/29(水) 11:01:24 ID:1r7yRN9o0.net
降ろすRHYME 災いや偽りはいらない
耳に入るその飛び 偽物は効かない
手にSMOKE 災いや偽りはいらない
音に浸かるこの旅 言い訳は聞かない
吹いた神の息吹 GODBREATHの導き

起きてBeats鳴らせ火つけ吐き出してる Marijuana
Sniffつく粘膜 札は唇にClutchは
汚え手で触るな薬で逝かれた俺はHashish Rosin Shatter
精一杯にやった 未だに奴は檻の中
俺は俺だが お前と俺で 俺になる
他と同じ筈実力は努力の数 見ればわかる奴と奴
首元に また増える18金 看板は

850 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/29(水) 11:02:49.82 ID:1r7yRN9o0.net


851 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ 4d66-R8Fu):2020/07/29(水) 17:04:05 ID:M349afLJ0NIKU.net


852 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ 2131-1vA1):2020/07/29(水) 17:30:59 ID:gwWi+d/y0NIKU.net
They havn't said anything about whether or not their taking place the game.
So? That doen't bother me at all.

853 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/29(水) 17:56:02.02 ID:M349afLJ0NIKU.net

854 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ 2131-1vA1):2020/07/29(水) 18:10:35 ID:gwWi+d/y0NIKU.net
Your life is what is all about money, Beauty

855 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/29(水) 19:22:29.21 ID:iJ/d7mfC0NIKU.net
as soon as you open your mouth all I ever hear you talking about is money money money
is there any fucking limit how greedy you can be ?
are you really that pathetic? 
don't you have any fuckin pride left in you ?

856 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/29(水) 19:24:53.01 ID:iJ/d7mfC0NIKU.net
It's still up in the air whether the game will be called off or not.

So what? It makes no difference to me.

857 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエW 1523-LWyb):2020/07/29(水) 23:48:00 ID:GsBycMH70NIKU.net

858 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ faf0-UD9X):2020/07/30(木) 02:15:32 ID:BlYdUFCm0.net
On news websites, you'll often see comments by viewers criticizing the government liked as very much
as those thoroughly contradicting them. Apparently, almost all people just accept without question and
like the first comment they encounter.

859 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スッップ Sd9a-/inC):2020/07/30(木) 05:08:03 ID:2MPUzObYd.net
Some posts which viewers criticize the government got a lot of likes in the comment section on news sites.

On the other hands, other comments which is completely denied and is totally opposite opinion by others got a lots of likes as well.

After all, people blindly accepted his/her opinion and click likes button at the top of the posts.

860 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/30(木) 19:44:57.83 ID:pZyYPt9Bd.net

In the news website, many people liked comments that are criticizing the government and they also liked other opposing comments in response.

It's just that everyone believes a comment that comes on top of that page without even questioning it and hit the like button.

861 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/30(木) 20:03:54.18 ID:pZyYPt9Bd.net

Whenever you speak, all that comes out of your mouth is about money!

I can't imagine how greedy you are!

Don't you have a sense of shame!

Think you about your mom already!

862 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/30(木) 20:23:21.88 ID:pZyYPt9Bd.net
The cancelation of that match still hang in the air.
Who cares? That's none of our business.

863 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/30(木) 20:39:48.39 ID:pZyYPt9Bd.net

> 炊飯器で米を炊いて、中身が入った状態で数か月放置したんだよ。
A few months ago, I cooked rice with a rice cooker and left it with cooked rice.
> ある日恐る恐る炊飯器を開けてみたら、中で小さな虫がウジャウジャ湧いていた。
One day I got around to opening it and found out that so many warms were squirming in it.
> 驚いてすぐに蓋を閉めたよ。
Out of shock, I slammed shut the lid quickly.
> しかし、あの虫ってどこからどうやって湧いてきたんだろう?
Now, do you have an idea where those things come from?

864 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/30(木) 20:59:28.26 ID:pZyYPt9Bd.net
> 安楽死の基準緩和は高齢化長寿社会を迎える日本には必要になるでしょう。
I believe that as more Japanese people get to live longer, the deregulation of euthanasia is necessary.
> 人は高齢になると楽しいことより苦痛の方が多くなります。
When you get very old, you feel more pain than joy.
> それは生命の運命といって良いでしょう。
This is an inevitable part of living organism.
> 安楽死はそんな終わりを迎える苦痛に満ちた身体を解放する一つの賢い手段です。
Euthanasia is one of the solutions to put out of its misery.

865 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd9a-DWkS):2020/07/30(木) 21:11:24 ID:pZyYPt9Bd.net

> 第一に高齢化長寿社会においては自立が何よりも大切な要素になります。
Firstly, nothing is more important than being a independent person in an aged and longevity society.
> 終活は人生を綺麗に終わらせるための準備段階ですが、一番最後の時期に身体も不自由で思考も上手く働かない状態だったら人に迷惑をかけてしまいます。
Life ending plan is a preparation phase of your life to embrace the death and you don't really want to trouble precious someone by your own self not being able to move physically and think logically.
> これまでの終活が台無しです。
This means that your whole work of life ending plan could ruine.
> 安楽死は高齢化の終活を手助けします。
Euthanasia helps prevent this from happening.

866 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd9a-DWkS):2020/07/30(木) 21:33:03 ID:pZyYPt9Bd.net

> 第二に現行の安楽死の基準は非常に厳しいものに留まっており、日本では実質機能していません。
Secondly, the applicable condition of euthanasia remains very strict. Thus, the program is nonfunctional in implementation.
> 迫りくる死が不可避な状況が大前提なのは賛成ですが、耐え難い苦痛やその緩和手立てがないという条件は安楽死を一つの手段として考える際の障害となっています。
As a principle I would agree that one has to be inevitably dying in applying euthanasia but the other conditions such as "one has to be suffering great pain and there's no pain killers in effect available" is a major obstacle.
> これは老化の最終段階がどんなに苦痛か世論が理解していないに他なりません。
This boils down to the lack of people's understanding on how painful the last phase of life can be.

867 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd9a-DWkS):2020/07/30(木) 21:34:58 ID:pZyYPt9Bd.net

868 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7ad0-zY1m):2020/07/31(金) 15:38:08 ID:wj5bH8sE0.net


869 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa09-KVEO):2020/07/31(金) 17:44:06 ID:gUwOy7tqa.net
As for AA and BB, do you mind if I bring the disks from the complete box set?

ここではbring 持っていく、を選びました。

870 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/31(金) 21:54:09.41 ID:h3se/uL7H.net
Would it be fine to have ** and ** come from the complete box?

871 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ILW 0H4a-nGuI):2020/07/31(金) 22:03:03 ID:o3VVz7PmH.net
All in all, I think it a good idea to have relaxed criteria for euthanasia.
And, this should be urgently addressed due to the predicted progression of the ageing society.
I just hope all elderly people have great lifes and deaths, as we say all is well that ends well.

872 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/31(金) 23:56:28.83 ID:wJpx62SI0.net
I have X and Y, though they were issued as part of the complete box set. Are you ok with them?

873 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/01(土) 01:08:48.31 ID:x4WGgUGx0.net

ゴレンジャーからカクレンジャーまでの戦隊シリーズで、既にお持ちの「MUSIC COLLECTION」 CDを教えて下さい


874 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/01(土) 09:07:21.18 ID:+RBYN4/H0.net

875 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd9a-DWkS):2020/08/01(土) 10:49:09 ID:cw6fL40md.net
My mother is 75 years old.
She's got wrinkles all over her face, dried skin and her bone are fragile. She now avoids eating fatty food but she hasn't missed a daily routine of running, not even a single day.

876 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4a29-xE3T):2020/08/01(土) 14:38:54 ID:rGQB9/im0.net
Let me know the album titles you have for the Super Sentai series soundtracks,
from the Go Rangers to the Kaku Rangers.
I'm aiming for a full collection, but it's hard to get some of them.


877 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ faf0-UD9X):2020/08/01(土) 14:56:08 ID:SNrol2jH0.net
Do you have any CDs of Super Sentai series, from Goranger through Kakuranger, titled MUSIC COLLECTION?
They are pretty hard to get. Please help me to complete my set.

878 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7ad0-zY1m):2020/08/02(日) 17:18:16 ID:DoyhIkmT0.net

879 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1523-UdrD):2020/08/02(日) 18:01:19 ID:Y9fytgYu0.net

880 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/03(月) 16:44:49.43 ID:0Y9u7KHY0.net
There was a vendor who sells takoyaki at 100 yen for 6 pieces.
They also sell bubble tea at the same price, so I decided to give a try.
It was pretty tasty, and I thought I would buy again.
But two hours later, I suddenly got a stomachache and felt like my stomach was upset.
I heard tapioca is not easy to digest, so maybe it's not for some people.

881 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/03(月) 16:47:56.04 ID:bWOZ5wED0.net
there were some takoyakis sailing one hundred for 6 pieces
also tapioca are on selling at a same ticket machine
I tried taking one
It was pretty good and had good Texture itself I feel really into it
Yet 2 hours later I had a stomach ache and felt like unsettle or something
some say Tapioca is bad for digestion it might not fit you depending on your constitution

882 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ faf0-UD9X):2020/08/03(月) 21:25:46 ID:7frp5rGq0.net
When I went to a certain shop selling a six pack of takoyaki at 100 yen,
I found from its ticket machine that a cup of tapioca tea cost the same,
and so I bought and tried one. It tasted not too bad with tapioca balls in it
pleasant to munch on, so that I almost became rather fond of it.
Two hours later, however, I suddenly got a stomachache, feeling as if having gastroenteritis.
If tapioca is hard to digest as they say, there might be some people it disagrees with.

883 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 79f0-0gse):2020/08/04(火) 02:10:36 ID:/w3CissI0.net


884 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4d66-R8Fu):2020/08/04(火) 10:41:15 ID:b+CppYcQ0.net
I feel we've got to make a business that can get stable profits as much as possible
and also make a market that not likely happen to price war or something
We'll want to supply stably some added value goods to many people through the market that is handled at a reasonable price
what my business policy is doing a job that will benefit everyone from coast to coast
we do want to make partners who can work together and accept our proposal that the long-term profitable plan
we'll do propose the sustainable businessmodel and do want to forge relationship that willingly comit with "sastenaburu seafood"

885 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d689-gQbI):2020/08/04(火) 13:17:59 ID:rHZimyCn0.net
believes を字面的に略すとしたらどうしますか?

886 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9dc1-eiEC):2020/08/04(火) 13:24:00 ID:aBvHeBFi0.net

887 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4d66-R8Fu):2020/08/04(火) 15:44:14 ID:b+CppYcQ0.net
How can you abbreviate"believes"visually

888 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スププ Sd9a-JZNm):2020/08/04(火) 17:12:51 ID:x1ORfvw9d.net
Shall I drive you to the station?
I'll drive you to the station, if it's ok for you.
Do you want me to drive you to the station?

889 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 659d-3SEW):2020/08/04(火) 17:22:46 ID:ITQr31DK0.net
 (イ     ミ i
 ||/ ̄ヽ / ̄ヘ||そりゃまさに、自分の”意思”を主に伝えるということでも‥
 ||=・= ii=・=||I'll[I will]でしょうね。それら二つの疑問形は、
 |(  ノしヽ  )|なんだか遠慮してるんかな、相手に答えさせるなんて、
 g| i-=-i |g日本ではよくても、外国ではちょっとどうかしらんけど。

890 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/04(火) 18:53:32.68 ID:iCKLPHyI0.net


891 :884 (スププ Sd9a-JZNm):2020/08/04(火) 19:29:58 ID:0zKLmPCsd.net

892 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 255a-xRC5):2020/08/04(火) 22:26:58 ID:viY8O5fv0.net
"Jane, please do me a favor and give me a ride to Times Square."
"I wish I could, but I'm tied up right now."

893 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 255a-xRC5):2020/08/04(火) 22:41:32 ID:viY8O5fv0.net
let me give you a ride to station

894 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1523-UdrD):2020/08/04(火) 22:46:15 ID:XAowmSxY0.net

895 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7ad0-zY1m):2020/08/04(火) 23:22:35 ID:Ynsen/7T0.net


896 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/04(火) 23:59:31.67 ID:XAowmSxY0.net
do u want a lift to the station?

897 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 3329-e++8):2020/08/05(水) 00:20:09 ID:7yvKPP6z0.net
I've got a lot, so choose and take the items you need.

898 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/05(水) 07:51:22.01 ID:wNIHdRzaM.net
多分次の信号は青信号の内に通過できないよ。オレの前を走る車が遅いからな。もし、俺が前にいたなら間に合ったかもしれない。 複数の表現方法を知りたいです。よろしくお願いします。

899 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6166-y2l/):2020/08/05(水) 10:27:59 ID:GDUutl3Y0.net
I'd say we can't go through next green,
the car ahead of us is fucking clumsy
I'm sure we might do well without that dumbass

900 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6166-y2l/):2020/08/05(水) 11:05:26 ID:GDUutl3Y0.net
let me tell you we ain't able to make it in next green right
cuz that car ahead of us is too slow
It's no doubt we'd manage to get by if we were ahead of that dummy

901 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/05(水) 14:42:47.64 ID:Rk62QN/M0.net
It's unlikely I can pass the next light while it's green
with the car in front of me running this slowly.
Perhaps I could if I was going ahead of it.

902 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6931-2X+j):2020/08/05(水) 16:33:26 ID:rYno0iQ20.net
Sure we're not gonna make it through next green, because of that throw-like-a-girl ahead of us.
It weren't for that, we wouldn't have to stop.

903 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/06(木) 04:13:01.77 ID:eU1SVkDG0.net

904 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/06(木) 10:22:35.62 ID:ltRkCK1J0.net
I'm awfully amazed that some people in us think of deportation to illegal immigration are Inhumane
Moreover,so many people think so
My gut tells me that it takes deportation to illegal immigration for granted because they enter the country illegally
Why do they raise their voice to rescue those who came their country with inappropriate measures?

905 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/06(木) 10:28:22.59 ID:eU1SVkDG0.net
特にMy guts tell me thatという表現がとても勉強になりました。

906 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6166-y2l/):2020/08/06(木) 11:05:32 ID:ltRkCK1J0.net
gut tells

907 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ b123-Ea0s):2020/08/06(木) 18:43:19 ID:OhyJ88v+0.net

908 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/06(木) 20:23:37.26 ID:7Srl4vx/0.net
there is a vacant house in front of my home which no one has lived for some three decades
since the old woman passed away,her son has managed it
two years ago the house was demolished and turned into a vacant lot which have been for sale for years.
in the end they decided to plan to build a new house
I hardly have any experience that someone live in front of my house
I feel uneasy and something annoyance before the house is complete

909 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6931-2X+j):2020/08/06(木) 21:32:18 ID:WIY0WFOP0.net
There's been a house across the street, which I guess nobody's living around 30 years after old lady who lived there alone was diseased.
Then her son had kept mainteined this house since until he somehow dicided to take it down and put the land for sale. That was two years ago.

I heard the other day that somebody finally bought it and new house is gonna build there.
Obviousely, I'm only human being living around here for more than 30 years. I have completely forgot how to say hellow to strangers and get mingled.
Those makes me kill myself.

910 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/06(木) 22:35:00.42 ID:pLnOkJPs0.net
The front house has not had dwellers for about 30 years.
An old lady had died, then her son administered it,
and two years before it was abolished and flattened and had been brought
for a sale. But, in the end, a new house was decided to be built.
I don't have an experience that others live in the front house.
So the much, I feel a strong anxiety and uneasiness even before it is built.

911 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/07(金) 00:08:41.98 ID:7DH4gWA/0.net

912 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/07(金) 00:25:24.65 ID:5jwOxY/C0.net
There was a house opposite mine that was empty for about thirty years
after the elderly lady living there passed away.
It was maintained by her son, but two years ago it was pulled down.
On the vacant land, which had been for sale since then,
just recently someone has decieded to build a new house.
Because I'm not very used to having others living across from my place,
I feel uneasy and bothered about the house even while it has yet to be finished.

913 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd33-n4N+):2020/08/07(金) 03:52:47 ID:C2pRU5kxd.net

> 多分次の信号は青信号の内に通過できないよ。オレの前を走る車が遅いからな。もし、俺が前にいたなら間に合ったかもしれない。 複数の表現方法を知りたいです。よろしくお願いします。

The car in front is dawdling.
We'll have to wait for the traffic light.

914 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd33-n4N+):2020/08/07(金) 04:08:19 ID:C2pRU5kxd.net

> アメリカでは不法移民に対して強制送還は非人道的だという声があり、しかもそう考えている人が多くいる事に驚いています。
I'm surprised by the fact that many Americans oppose inhumane removal of illegal immigrants.

> 私の感覚からすると「違法に入国した人なのだから(強制送還は)当たり前でしょう?」と思ってしまいます。
I think they deserve it.

> なぜ彼らは不適切な手段で自国に来た人々を救済すべきだと声を挙げるのでしょうか。

Why do they insist the support for these immigrants?

915 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ b123-Ea0s):2020/08/07(金) 23:31:53 ID:y9iubtBQ0.net

916 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2020/08/07(金) 23:53:42.65 ID:roPI+yNlH

God bless eternal life into humanity
God’s blessing eternal life into humanity
God’s blesses eternal life into humanity


917 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/08(土) 16:41:04.05 ID:P//Ayq9100808.net
In order to help his brother, framed for murdering a powerful man's brother,
escape from prison, the protagonist makes himself imprisoned by firing a gun
in a bank. His body is all covered with tatoos which are, in fact, maps of the prison
that his brother is incarcerated in and that he was involved in the design of.

918 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/08(土) 20:00:54.97 ID:v29SKeoY00808.net
3名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d1a9-LekT)2020/08/04(火) 15:59:52.55ID:1HRhc6a70

English language is Anglo-Saxon language.

919 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ブーイモ MMeb-JVub):2020/08/08(土) 22:59:11 ID:gSJ6ZdXVM.net

920 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 13f0-FoHg):2020/08/09(日) 10:33:47 ID:LDuYg85W0.net
I know that when elderly people with no relatives die unexpectedly,
their possessions including houses and lands get owned by the government,
but I wonder whether those houses are all demolished.
I would consider buying one of them if they were put up for sale cheaply.

921 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 49a9-Kb9f):2020/08/09(日) 11:28:36 ID:EVVcL2RA0.net
>>918 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (プチプチ 49a9-Kb9f) 2020/08/08(土) 20:00:54.97 ID:v29SKeoY00808
3名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d1a9-LekT)2020/08/04(火) 15:59:52.55ID:1HRhc6a70
If you pursue American speech sounds, that language is not English but American.
Whoever not being an Anglo-Saxon speaks American language proudly, it is only an ape deed.

922 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/09(日) 12:52:24.31 ID:iRCiH04z0.net
although I know that the properties are to belong to the nation,
in the event of old man's sudden death but he has no relatives.
I wonder if those houses are demolished.
If there are being for sell on reasonable plice, I'm up for it.

923 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/09(日) 18:32:35.48 ID:Ro63L3Rf0.net


924 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/09(日) 19:05:07.78 ID:nDgcOUYG0.net
Sorry for the fuss.
I think I can handle it now. / I think I can get it on my own.

925 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/09(日) 20:28:22.91 ID:Ro63L3Rf0.net

926 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr5d-Yrcv):2020/08/10(月) 12:18:23 ID:EWsqvHRJr.net

927 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 515a-STb1):2020/08/10(月) 15:23:09 ID:UD+RwI8Z0.net
this is not what done by japan as a nation but done by Individual

928 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/10(月) 15:42:36.10 ID:ZNscGTAb0.net
>>921 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 49a9-Kb9f) 2020/08/09(日) 11:28:36.35 ID:EVVcL2RA0
「 Whoever not being an Anglo-Saxon speaks American language proudly, ... 」 は、
 “ Whoever being not an Anglo-Saxon but an American speaks American language proudly, ... ” のほうがよいかも。

929 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 49a9-qBYz):2020/08/10(月) 16:10:00 ID:ZNscGTAb0.net
>>926名無しさん@英語勉強中 (オッペケ Sr5d-Yrcv)2020/08/10(月) 12:18:23.31ID:EWsqvHRJr 
This is not a state act by Japan but an individual deed by a Japanese citizen.  ってのはどうか。
>>921 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 49a9-Kb9f) 2020/08/09(日) 11:28:36.35 ID:EVVcL2RA0
「 Whoever not being an Anglo-Saxon speaks American language proudly, ... 」 は、
 “ Whoever being not an Anglo-Saxon but an American speaks American language proudly, ... ” のほうがよいかも。

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