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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

279 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2b31-WaHj):2020/06/02(火) 16:29:48 ID:u42mqipq0.net
Just now the BJP may be hunting for a new grievance. The Supreme Court
recently issued a ruling that had the effect of depriving it of its favourite
cause, by clearing the way for a Hindu temple to be built at the site of the
demolished mosque in Ayodhya. The citizenship ruckus appeals to the party
for the very same reasons that it has prompted widespread alarm. The plan
to compile a register of genuine Indians as part of a hunt for foreign
interlopers affects all 1.3bn people in the country. It could drag on for years,
inflaming passions over and over again, as the list is compiled, challenged
and revised. Just how the register will be drawn up, and what the
consequences of exclusion are, remain woolly. Indeed, Mr Modi is already
claiming it has all been misunderstood. Meanwhile, the hullabaloo helps
reinforce the notion, so electorally valuable to the BJP, that Hindus, although
about 80% of the population, are threatened by shadowy forces that it alone
has the courage to confront.

Just now 〜 a new grievance. The Supreme Court 〜 in Ayodhya.
また、文中の its favourite cause は具体的に何を意味するのかの説明もお願いします。


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