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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

289 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8639-7hTT):2020/06/04(木) 14:54:12 ID:5hZAQn7a0.net
>>The citizenship ruckus appeals to the party
★for the very same reasons that★ it has prompted widespread alarm.

ここでの that が同格なのかどうかというような文法用語については俺はよく
わからない。ただ俺にはこの reasons という複数形はごく自然だと感じる。

(1) 新聞サイトより
You do not love your boyfriend ●for the same reasons that● you love your friends,
and there could be myriad reasons why you dislike that ...

(2) And you hate me, ●for the same reasons that● you love me.
(3) You do not love your boyfriend ●for the same reasons that● you love
your friends, and there could be myriad reasons why you dislike that ...


>>The citizenship ruckus appeals to the party
★for the very same reasons that★ it has prompted widespread alarm.

「the citizenship ruckus がその政党に appeal する複数の理由と、
その ruckus が widespread alarm を prompt した複数の理由とが、

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