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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 227

1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/01(水) 14:41:06.84 ID:wbHNYOli0.net
    // |ヽ\
┏─┐/ / | ヽ \
┃利│   ‖
┃休│   ‖
┠─┘  [二]
┃ *ロ==(´・ω・)<eat eggs
┃/ (::) ( >oy>o\
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

Janglish, poor english is ok.

We all wish for permanent world peace!


Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 226

2 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/01(水) 14:42:21.12 ID:wbHNYOli0.net
No.1 poster here.

3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/01(水) 15:04:42.05 ID:pW1MxcLM0.net
Niceee Good job!!!

4 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/01(水) 15:10:38.50 ID:QRXojEid0.net
thank you for new thread yay!

5 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/01(水) 15:10:59.18 ID:X79tGOt30.net
 △  ¥ ▲
  ( ㊤ 皿 ㊤)  Crash!
  (        )      
 /│  肉  │\         Crash!
<  \____/  >
    ┃   ┃
    =   =

He is the robot getting 3.
What a great guy to get 3 automatically.

6 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a796-nVjz):2024/05/01(水) 18:29:03.92 ID:GN49YwaR0.net
It is rain today. Was it so rainy in April?

7 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW c7a6-0Fbg):2024/05/01(水) 19:01:13.22 ID:X79tGOt30.net
I guess it is what is called a long spring rain.

8 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2024/05/02(木) 01:26:10.03 ID:yca0RyZDa.net
No problem.

9 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/02(木) 01:26:26.93 ID:yca0RyZDa.net
Plesure's mine.

10 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/02(木) 01:27:11.15 ID:yca0RyZDa.net
Tresure's mine.

11 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/02(木) 07:40:38.86 ID:Jzxg3TAva.net
Another rainy day here.

12 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/03(金) 02:25:14.54 ID:buTIGvI5M.net
I hate people who park their cars to the next to my car.
They’re called トナラー. Annoying as fuck!!!

13 ::2024/05/05(日) 05:32:19.39 ID:J3wjGY3X00505.net

14 ::2024/05/05(日) 18:55:19.16 ID:J3wjGY3X00505.net
I want to lose 4kilos in 10days. Omg!!!

15 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/05(日) 20:04:06.37 ID:e6WgKx9p00505.net
You seem to have taken off 1 kilo since you said such a thing the previous time.
Keep up the good work!

But I feel it hard to lose 4 kilos in 10 days. It is important to make an effort steadily.

16 ::2024/05/05(日) 21:07:59.29 ID:qLfN81z2M0505.net
Thanks! Not sure if I can do that, but I’ll do my best!

My ideal body weight is 80kg. Right now it’s 86.6kg.

17 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/05(日) 23:13:42.00 ID:GAoH2o690.net
I have lost 8 kg in 2month
I didn't do any particular physical exercises,
and I forbade myself from eating fried foods and sweets.
I tried to add more vegetables into my meals.

18 ::2024/05/05(日) 23:40:11.50 ID:FIcKGxIVM.net
Thanks for the advice!
Right now I’m only eating boiled eggs, tofu, pickles cucumbers, protein shake, Korean seaweed papers, calorie zero sweets and drinks.

Ahhh I want a hot body<33

19 : 警備員[Lv.10][初] (ワッチョイW 8b84-auFI):2024/05/06(月) 07:43:23.43 ID:nGPLO/T60.net
I felt so shocked and embarrassed when I was singing “flowers” from Miley Cyrus in the gym because I thought I was the only one in the gym but not!!!


20 ::2024/05/06(月) 15:31:41.53 ID:nGPLO/T60.net
Ok. Today’s weight is 86.7kg. Slightly increased by 0.1kg. Nooo!

21 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/06(月) 16:12:22.35 ID:B+H4oTPF0.net
About 100 grams is a margin of error.

22 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b1d-auFI):2024/05/06(月) 17:53:16.33 ID:nGPLO/T60.net
Still it’s disheartening to see no progress.
Maybe I should only drink water.

23 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/07(火) 05:57:44.12 ID:1HDzp5J70.net
good morning

24 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b09-auFI):2024/05/07(火) 09:42:38.14 ID:fK9D3Pc70.net
just woke up

25 ::2024/05/07(火) 10:22:31.48 ID:cXzHfOJN0.net
It’s raining, hopefully it’s gonna keep raining like this whole month so that I can’t feel the heating temperature.

26 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/07(火) 18:49:41.59 ID:oJvHSCH00.net
i'm surprised to see the expression "invite suggestions"
because "suggestion" in the Japanese dictionary doesn't show the expression
only "invite" in the Japanese dictionary shows the expression.
Don't you think Japanese dictionary need to list the expressions for the noun?

27 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/07(火) 19:01:39.43 ID:oJvHSCH00.net
A post in Japanese was more expressive than a post in English
I have a hyposethis that Japanese people become declined to infancy if the thinking is in English

28 ::2024/05/07(火) 19:54:50.20 ID:cXzHfOJN0.net
Today’s weight is 86.4kg. Decreased by 0.3kg. Happy but not enough.

29 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/07(火) 21:42:46.58 ID:QpQM3bSM0.net
Post your weight of the day and the dishes you ate here every day!
It might give you motivation to keep dieting.

30 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/07(火) 22:22:35.71 ID:9Fl/672M0.net
Golden week is over!!
Prices of almost all goods are rising.
I coudn't afford to take a trip ! Damn it

31 ::2024/05/08(水) 05:25:09.82 ID:JYGB0IEF0.net
Thanks! I’ll do that!!!

32 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/08(水) 10:42:46.73 ID:H85tE/x2a.net
Somdbody tell
me about how to get a どんぐり.

33 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/08(水) 11:39:20.83 ID:2cyogh7P0.net
Everyone who posts a comment probably gets どんぐり automatically now.
If you want to know your ドングリ level, put "!Donguri" on the sender name and only "." on the body text, and post. That way, you will see it on the error screen.

34 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/09(木) 02:26:26.44 ID:fBOsJYUc0.net
Today’s weight is 85.8kg. Happy, but the progress is too slow. I need to lose 3kilos in a week!!

35 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b7c-auFI):2024/05/09(木) 08:37:16.23 ID:fBOsJYUc0.net
I preordered pixel8a as my サブ機 just because it’s so affordable. I 下取りed iPhone SE for 28000 yen which I got at 9800 yen last year and even I can get 20000P.

Omg. So cheap…

36 ::2024/05/10(金) 11:13:18.25 ID:ze+CWUjN0.net
Today’s weight is 85.7kg. I really have to consider fading like no food but only water for a week or something..

37 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/10(金) 19:10:27.80 ID:B47FZIo80.net
The important thing in hearing is to speak and to analyze
To speak is important because you can hear what you can speak
The sound and the frequency is different between Japanese and English
To analyze why you couldn't have heared it improves your hearing ability
Let's find out and save up sentences you can't hear

38 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/10(金) 19:21:14.90 ID:aK6R6oHZ0.net

39 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8beb-auFI):2024/05/11(土) 04:23:52.50 ID:t7jgpwi80.net
Today’s weight is 85.4kg. Damn! I can’t lose weight!!!

40 ::2024/05/11(土) 12:38:29.17 ID:t7jgpwi80.net
I decided to go fasting for three days from Monday to Wednesday. Only protein shake and almost calorie zero food, I eat like jelly, tokoroten etc

Hopefully I’ll lose 2-3 kilos in three days!

41 ::2024/05/11(土) 14:02:59.88 ID:t7jgpwi80.net
I heard that those who can’t poop over 80cm a day are all constipated or something. I need to get rid of poop in my system!!!

42 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/11(土) 18:50:17.34 ID:/xeA5jwU0.net
i found that it can improve the hearing ability of English to switch the working part of the human brain
have you ever had such a experience?
i suppose that different parts of the human brain are in charge when you hear Japanese and English.

43 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/12(日) 08:34:26.52 ID:1SqaPULl0.net
Hey!Kevin is fine? He is knife the ripper, yeah. He can't be back from abroad. That's his fate.(>_<)
He always do trial(-_-メ) criminal reduce is gooooood!!

44 : 警備員[Lv.19][苗] (ワッチョイW 6137-e7L/):2024/05/12(日) 10:43:13.09 ID:SCnuKdht0.net
I want to get rid of my 宿便 from my system!!!

45 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/12(日) 18:01:33.74 ID:HkuN+0/H0.net
When I complained to the AI that Japanese dictionary doesn't reflect English meanings precisely, the AI admitted the limit of dictionary.
According to the AI, dictionary covers only major meanings.
And it is difficult for dictionary to cover a variety of meanings with idiomatic expressions as a matter of fact.
And it is important to learn live English from a variety of sources in addition to dictionary.

46 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/12(日) 18:15:26.34 ID:ljV22cpM0.net
open your ass right now

47 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/12(日) 19:28:53.27 ID:Y8RrZ48Z0.net
I am looking for someone to chat with in English on Skype. But at the same time I am scared.

48 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/13(月) 00:45:58.40 ID:fygrCFEj0.net
Most of people from abroad like anime, manga, and Jpop music.
and it helps them increase their language skills.

But, I, as a English learner, have no interest about Hollywood movies or
US rock music, hiphop culure.

What should I be curious about?

49 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/13(月) 01:24:48.51 ID:frg+F8OC0.net
How about academic books?
There are many kinds of books on Kindle. A part of them are for free.
Recently, I found the free book Astronomy published by OpenStax, which was released on the Internet as well.
This book is a little difficult but has many pictures and no formulas. I have been browsing the chapters I'm interested in.

50 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/13(月) 01:49:04.73 ID:fygrCFEj0.net
I haven't seen the contents yet, but it looks so interesting, Thank you

51 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/13(月) 21:07:13.70 ID:94kx8Tp+0.net

52 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/13(月) 21:07:14.32 ID:94kx8Tp+0.net

53 :sage :2024/05/14(火) 00:39:22.92 ID:okRuNDlQ0.net
Today’s weight is 84.0kg.

I need to lose 2kilos by not eating anything in 2days. Wish me good luck.

54 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/14(火) 06:39:26.85 ID:cmr8VdSS0.net
I’m supposed to receive pixcel8a today! Yay! Playing with it all day makes me feel not hungry, hopefully.

55 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 618e-e7L/):2024/05/14(火) 13:00:09.97 ID:okRuNDlQ0.net
Playing with pixel8a now. I always hate android keyboard. Have no idea how to put “@“ without chain g the keyboard. Annoying as fuck.

56 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/14(火) 19:50:02.22 ID:okRuNDlQ0.net
Today’s weight is 83.4kg.
Need to lose 1.5kg by Thursday afternoon.
After that I’m gonna eat a lot in China town in Yokohama.

57 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/14(火) 20:18:29.64 ID:l8G2FIZq0.net
There is a mysterious insect that makes a high-tone sound near home. It is so noisy and not likely to stop.
I wonder what insect it is.

58 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/14(火) 23:04:06.61 ID:okRuNDlQ0.net
You should suspect that there is a 盗聴器 in your room.

59 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 89c7-08S+):2024/05/15(水) 01:27:19.13 ID:uQqNLOQs0.net
That is impossible because the sound came from outside and was very loud.
Afterward, it stopped in about 15 minutes.

By the way, one of the words expressed 盗聴器 is a bug, not an insect. It's something of trivia.

60 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 02:42:22.31 ID:Kdu8wqaI0.net
ChatGPT-4o is awsome !

61 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 06:58:14.04 ID:np5viZeh0.net
Today’s weight is 83.0kg.
Hopefully I can lose weight by 1kg by tomorrow.
I have to go gym now.

62 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 07:00:05.48 ID:np5viZeh0.net
Life is crazy.
Some weirdo met you and got interested in your private life and set up 盗聴器. You know you can buy those items online easily.

63 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 07:26:22.94 ID:np5viZeh0.net
It’s amazing I’ve been fasting for 2 days but still I poop. But the amount of poop has definitely decreased.

64 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 07:45:14.79 ID:R0zf9l1Zd.net
Is ChatGPT-4 available for free

65 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2024/05/15(水) 12:03:57.76 ID:+I7jidQ48

66 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 12:06:04.38 ID:uQqNLOQs0.net
I know.
Though I dusted off my IC-R6 the wide-band receiver and scanned around, there were no signals that were often used by wiretaps.

67 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 6f0b-e7L/):2024/05/15(水) 13:17:34.56 ID:bxWlhufi0.net
Maybe there is a spy camera which you can easily buy on Amazon. Be careful. Some people are crazy.

Actually I have one for self-defence purposes like recording harassment at work.

68 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 17:55:17.40 ID:OxpSvork0.net
Do you have schizophrenia?

69 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 18:06:04.76 ID:zHHh5Lbz0.net
My English skills have reached a plateau, and I’m struggling to make further progress

70 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 613a-e7L/):2024/05/15(水) 20:24:00.30 ID:np5viZeh0.net
No. I tend to worry a lot.

71 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 23:15:54.09 ID:Kdu8wqaI0.net
Slovakian prime minister was shot
and he is in life-threatening condition oh my gosh

72 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/15(水) 23:19:33.93 ID:q6XJxMek0.net
When did you go to Slovakia, Yamagami?

73 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/16(木) 06:21:50.22 ID:BJexzEaL0.net
It’s a trend that the country’s leader is shot?

74 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/16(木) 07:49:30.95 ID:BJexzEaL0.net
Today’s weight is 82.4kg. Shame I couldn’t reach 82.0kg, but it’s ok. I think I learnt how to lose weight quickly.

75 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/16(木) 08:30:28.74 ID:BJexzEaL0.net
Fasting for 3 days but I still pooped today. Human body’s is a mystery..
As I said this before, I am a pooping machine..

76 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/16(木) 09:02:13.53 ID:rIUi66D/a.net
It is because poop is made up of water, food, the dead of germs, and the cells of the bowel.

77 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2024/05/16(木) 09:29:13.50 ID:lnzxeoSaM.net
I’m on my way to my beloved Yokohama. Aww!

78 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/16(木) 09:39:53.57 ID:lnzxeoSaM.net
Are you a scientist or something? I didn’t know that.
So I keep pooping even if I fast. Omg. So scary..

79 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/16(木) 10:30:01.10 ID:lnzxeoSaM.net
Fuck. The train was delayed because someone was on lane or something. I ended up taking bullet train instead of 鈍行. Fuck.

80 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/16(木) 12:22:53.94 ID:CMIEaN/Od.net
my bad sorry dude

81 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/16(木) 13:03:07.27 ID:od9Qv8FwM.net

I was at the Odawara station 30 minutes ago. Damn! So many gaijins!!

82 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/16(木) 16:18:18.18 ID:od9Qv8FwM.net
Treating myself at Saizeriya in Yokohama. Omg. I just spent over 2000 yen at Saizeriya lol

83 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 977c-oOYX):2024/05/17(金) 07:58:06.25 ID:TllCeJf/0.net

84 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 977c-oOYX):2024/05/17(金) 08:05:47.53 ID:TllCeJf/0.net
I'm seriously out of stock of donguri.
How could I help myself?

85 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スッップ Sd2f-e7L/):2024/05/17(金) 08:16:10.66 ID:i11+5VgPd.net

86 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/17(金) 13:45:39.54 ID:0fQozT6D0.net
Its so comfy today..

87 ::2024/05/18(土) 05:41:16.09 ID:9/smzzec0.net
Going to gym now! The early bird gets the worm or something they often say right?

88 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/18(土) 14:28:11.87 ID:9/smzzec0.net
Tons of kids everywhere!!! Is it true that kids are decreasing in Japan? I don't fucking think so! I wanna throw stones at them.

89 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/21(火) 17:48:42.11 ID:EpB94Ey00.net
I always feel sluggish and have neck pain all the time
I always sit down and am looking at the screens all day long
I'm afraid my sedentary lifestyle might increase the risk of diabetes

90 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/22(水) 00:57:05.15 ID:wiHNeEyH0.net
I have bought new pushup bars and an ab roller. Though I have similar things, I'm happy to get new ones. Both of which are made by Adidas.

91 ::2024/05/22(水) 18:46:33.41 ID:YvIWcJ+9M.net
Be careful about the ab roller if you have back problem. That thing made my ヘルニア worse and couldn’t walk for weeks.

92 ::2024/05/22(水) 18:48:13.43 ID:YvIWcJ+9M.net
I bought new google pixel 8a at 実質24600. It’s good for the price! Yay!

93 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9b4d-w4SJ):2024/05/22(水) 22:35:31.61 ID:Rh2J1rfc0.net
I'm OK because I'm used to doing it and have no back problems.
When I can go forward 20 more centimeters, I will be able to do perfect 立ちコロ.

94 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/23(木) 00:11:59.52 ID:2ddUpcPI0.net
I just remembered something about vibrato.
In Asayan, when the members of Morning Musume。recorded "Seeds of Love" before their debut,
Tetsutaro Sakurai, who wrote the song, was teaching the members how to sing it as a recording producer.
He told Abe not to use vibrato.
I didn't understand what he meant.
Because Nacchi has no skill to sing with vibrato at all.

95 ::2024/05/23(木) 18:44:22.47 ID:ECgdJcY80.net
Your body fat is low or something so that you can show off your abs?

I work out at gym but never do abs work out since I have a lot of fat on my stomach so you can’t see abs lol

96 ::2024/05/23(木) 18:45:53.19 ID:ECgdJcY80.net
Are you in your 40s or something because it seems like you know first-generation モー娘。

97 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/24(金) 01:29:32.03 ID:XwqWevq10.net
I love cats. Being surrounded by adorable cats, I wanna sit on my sofa and relax with a cup of coffee.

98 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 0e5d-IpPQ):2024/05/24(金) 08:46:19.29 ID:/B6QcTRj0.net
I am cat. I don't have a name yet.

99 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/24(金) 13:28:59.12 ID:dPxZKU6v0.net
Cats are so stinky and make a lot of fur problems in house. No good.

100 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/24(金) 13:51:35.81 ID:hwITi1JY0.net
No, not at all. I have a lot of internal fat on my belly. But somehow, fat on the body surface is a little.
Probably, it is because of beer.

101 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 0e2c-ifhQ):2024/05/24(金) 15:16:56.06 ID:hwITi1JY0.net
Reconcile with the cat.

102 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/24(金) 18:06:59.83 ID:dPxZKU6v0.net
That sounds like one of the Christian placard saying ネコと和解せよ or something..

Cats are cute only on the internet like YouTube and TikTok.

103 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/25(土) 11:01:46.67 ID:wUzid8kr0.net
A couple of years ago, I lost 13 lbs in 3 months.
My face couldn’t keep up with the change, and all of the muscles and parts got drooped like a rotten durian.
Be careful when you lose a lot in a short term if you are over 40…

104 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2024/05/25(土) 15:02:32.58 ID:QqendklH0.net
Thanks for the info! I’ll be careful!

I lost weight a lot in such a short period. I lost a lot of ass fat so that I can’t sit comfortably now. Maybe I should work out to gain ass muscle lol

105 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/25(土) 16:27:26.61 ID:wUzid8kr0.net
I've heard that people often find how hard chairs are after they lose weight.
You'll also notice the chilliness of an air-conditioned room in the summer.
Fats are such great protection.

106 ::2024/05/25(土) 19:08:45.81 ID:QqendklH0.net
You can save the electricity bill by losing weight, then lol

I need to squat to get a bubble ass!

107 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/25(土) 23:52:41.49 ID:ggtOB+BP0.net
I recommend bulgarian squat for the hip.

108 ::2024/05/26(日) 19:25:32.63 ID:alZchef60.net
Bulgarian squat is so tiring…

109 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW a1ca-AbjW):2024/05/27(月) 01:05:06.75 ID:GswkdcFC0.net
It is effective to do wide squats, side squats, or side lunges, too.

110 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/27(月) 04:44:39.58 ID:qib4CbHT0.net
Why do some guys in this thread keep writing certain words in Japanese?

It seem like they are incapable of expressing such words in English.


111 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 99af-O2Se):2024/05/27(月) 20:39:56.58 ID:qDjtW8TR0.net
I block the IDs and nicknames of users that use Japanese characters.

112 : 警備員[Lv.27] (ワッチョイW a109-CyIU):2024/05/28(火) 03:19:18.01 ID:CoYNjkvV0.net
Thanks! I’ll do that! Aww I want a bubble ass to kill my スラックス!

113 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/29(水) 15:59:55.92 ID:UXClB3Tn0NIKU.net
She loves the super car.

114 ::2024/05/30(木) 02:41:02.22 ID:rey2G0jvM.net
Omg. I bought a cute flower pot on Temu. I don’t know how I can upload a pic, but it’s so cute<33

115 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/30(木) 05:45:42.19 ID:uXAEVBGq0.net
I have the flower pot too. but this pot can't put on the table.

116 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/30(木) 07:46:18.60 ID:stQCY9Lf0.net
I have yogurt everyday. It helps me to keep my weight.
It also Improve intestinal condition.

117 ::2024/05/30(木) 08:07:14.44 ID:PcWyhJCiM.net
Ok. I got this. Hope it works.


118 ::2024/05/30(木) 08:10:23.62 ID:9c+J4quY0.net
Don’t you think it’s cute? I have to get a cactus or something small plant at home improvement store!

119 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 99af-O2Se):2024/05/30(木) 20:27:33.64 ID:isKlAS/S0.net
I've bought a pot of cuctus at a one-hundred yen store too.
Winter had come and it died.
I promised myself that I would never have any plants in my house.

120 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/31(金) 14:29:55.12 ID:4BmHh8W20.net
Today is World No-Tobacco Day.
Let's think of the harmfulness of tobacco while being calm and smoking.

121 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/31(金) 15:40:20.05 ID:oNxgO4e80.net
I'm horny now

122 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/05/31(金) 18:04:57.52 ID:iY7UmYNpM.net
I have sex plan tonight. Hope it’s gonna be fun

123 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9196-GaOn):2024/05/31(金) 18:49:06.14 ID:IlUesaHR0.net
Let's smoke less and smoke more marijuana, and everyone will be happy.

124 : 警備員[Lv.6][新芽] (ワッチョイW a173-CyIU):2024/05/31(金) 19:37:00.35 ID:Z2X5OzW90.net
You watered a lot didn’t you? Cactus don’t any water at all. Maybe twice a year

125 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/01(土) 18:02:38.54 ID:+w6fdSTu0.net
Oh… that’s few.
Actually, it seemed frozen.
I thought it needed sunshine so I left it at the side of the window, where the temperature was terrible.

126 ::2024/06/02(日) 19:21:16.74 ID:bs5X6KDc0.net
I have been chosen as a candidate for a clinical trial. Yay! Easy money!!!

127 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/02(日) 19:35:58.53 ID:XXiLQ7UN0.net
What kind of trial will you go? I’m interested in it.

128 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/02(日) 20:09:51.12 ID:eesa2KjU0.net
I know! It is what is called a human guinea pig!

129 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/02(日) 20:19:06.23 ID:XXiLQ7UN0.net
Oh. It's a brutal saying. lol

130 ::2024/06/02(日) 21:14:43.74 ID:bs5X6KDc0.net
I’m doing generic drug testing. Basically they give me medicines and take my blood and see reactions.
On the other hand, I sleep on a bed all the time, playing my smartphone, reading books etc

131 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/02(日) 21:19:02.27 ID:XXiLQ7UN0.net
I understand. Pay attention for something bad side effect.

132 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/03(月) 05:43:20.77 ID:KEgIrWYL0.net
They say the US will make marijuana fully legal in several years.
We might be taking them recreationally in around 15 years.

133 ::2024/06/03(月) 20:07:48.81 ID:wa+q4QwH0.net
Everything comes with risks. I just want easy money. Can’t wait to get the money and enjoy strolling the city after that.

134 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/03(月) 21:11:06.30 ID:jq1Ufao50.net
All right. Let you take care and have fun.

135 ::2024/06/04(火) 14:30:58.79 ID:5UgurEyuM.net
I got a seedling of this beautiful rose at カインズ. My dream is to make my garden look like an English garden.

136 : 警備員[Lv.29] (ワッチョイW ddec-Nly0):2024/06/04(火) 16:08:49.81 ID:IY4EAYTH0.net
Thanks! I even plan to upgrade my smartphone, iPhone15 to iPhone16 pro with the money this autumn! Yay!

137 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 3596-zlCG):2024/06/04(火) 17:54:02.34 ID:xvdymFVI0.net
Every rose has it's thorn

138 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 29d0-Mtmk):2024/06/04(火) 18:00:37.93 ID:umtpssyY0.net
Body feels Exit!

139 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/04(火) 21:31:48.05 ID:gIeB4bCxa.net

140 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/04(火) 21:32:59.27 ID:gIeB4bCxa.net
In 5ch it's hard to post a rep on どんぐり.
Everybody come to C.I.E in TAlK!

141 ::2024/06/05(水) 00:46:03.95 ID:hMCU2Yl00.net
That’s because roses are the queens of flowers! Beauty comes with pain all the time, you know.

I’m so excited about my newly purchased roses ピエールドゥロンサール!!

142 : 警備員[Lv.29] (ワッチョイW dd98-Nly0):2024/06/05(水) 15:35:18.93 ID:hMCU2Yl00.net
I’m so busy today.. collecting free beers at combini.. although I don’t drink haha..

143 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW feb0-vmgY):2024/06/05(水) 15:51:44.18 ID:GUPxwIZy0.net
Be careful because beer goes bad more easily than we expect.

144 : 警備員[Lv.30] (ワッチョイW dd98-Nly0):2024/06/05(水) 19:49:34.21 ID:hMCU2Yl00.net
Really? In that case, I’ll give them to one of nemesis as a heartwarming gift or something.

Good idea right?

145 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/09(日) 15:37:03.46 ID:mTj4A6fv0.net
I’ve been a solid royal customer of SHEIN and Temu now just because I can buy similar things cheaply than other EC shopping sites like Amazon.

Omg. I spent \80000 yen last month…lol

146 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/10(月) 02:04:12.67 ID:IUPh13sha.net
I can't walk to the future.
But I can fall down toward the future.
And what I am best at is to remain fallen.

147 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/10(月) 13:54:03.36 ID:u0wVCEDU0.net
That’s so zen. Thank you.

148 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/13(木) 02:58:50.04 ID:lDBCJG0bM.net
I’m so poor but I can’t stop buying stuff. How can people actually saving money?!

149 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/13(木) 17:50:46.70 ID:JPeX57gX0.net
It's a new premier ball.

150 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/13(木) 18:16:58.35 ID:oi0lNH970.net
I feel a little ache at the root of my right leg.
I'm worried about whether I should suspend the daily exercises or not.

151 :sage :2024/06/13(木) 21:03:47.08 ID:Qw9HHgQW0.net
You should get some rest.

152 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/13(木) 22:15:50.44 ID:Qw9HHgQW0.net
I’m going to Yokohama tomorrow, pretending like I’m from Yokohama. Excited.

153 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/14(金) 06:05:42.14 ID:Zc7xfs91M.net
On my way to Yokohama!!! This thread is gonna be my diary now!

154 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/14(金) 06:38:19.37 ID:4dW9ikZr0.net

155 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/14(金) 12:21:30.86 ID:yvFT9T1c0.net

156 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/14(金) 13:08:05.52 ID:7AM6xcu/0.net

157 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/14(金) 14:12:55.78 ID:ykgxwaiL0.net
Though I have seen that here and there, is there anyone who is deceived by such a deceptive post?

158 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/14(金) 14:23:47.89 ID:ykgxwaiL0.net
I'm going to rest today and resume tomorrow though I have no pain now.

159 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ベーイモ MMff-owHh):2024/06/14(金) 16:43:10.81 ID:eyiYJ7NpM.net
Hope you’ll better soon!

160 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/15(土) 08:13:37.55 ID:0mu9d0mx0.net
I haven’t had sex this month. Omg.

161 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/15(土) 11:43:34.21 ID:vRPoy5EK0.net

162 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/15(土) 11:51:42.33 ID:0mu9d0mx0.net
Japanese mayonnaise is so different from others. People often call them “Japanese mayo” or “Kewpie mayo”. That makes sense. But the other days,, I saw this Korean person calling Japanese mayo as “Asian mayo”. I feel it’s so weird. Agee?

163 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/15(土) 13:16:09.14 ID:OZ0A5doP0.net
I think so too unless they have been used naturally since a long ago.
By the way, パン粉 is called bread crumbs in English but they are a little different. So パン粉 is also called panko.
I think Japanese people like improving everything.


164 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/15(土) 13:55:02.70 ID:0mu9d0mx0.net
I’m glad you feel the same way. I know mayonnaise is originally from Japan, but I feel Korean people often Japanese stuff are Korean-origin or something…

165 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/15(土) 13:56:15.99 ID:0mu9d0mx0.net
*mayonnaise is not originally from Japan.

166 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ベーイモ MM06-p9YJ):2024/06/16(日) 12:58:25.76 ID:YhlI6Ge6M.net
I’m in the hospital for the clinical trial now. I passed the second screening test. Yay! Easy money in exchange for my time and blood! lol

167 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/16(日) 13:35:24.65 ID:r3IjRarB0.net
What medicine is that for?
Hypertension, fatness or dementia?

168 :sage :2024/06/17(月) 15:30:44.67 ID:e6Dy338QM.net
I really don’t know. Haha

One thing I don’t like being hospitalised for clinical trial is that you have to lie on a bed all day and oftentimes you get constipated..

169 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/17(月) 15:32:46.63 ID:e6Dy338QM.net
I’m gonna go out and eat delicious food after being discharged.. what food should I eat? Pig out at サイゼリヤ or すき家? but I need to drink probiotic drink a lot for my constipation problem..

170 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 8b2e-cdRp):2024/06/17(月) 15:48:03.77 ID:YaYFuTgE0.net
If I were you, I would eat out at サイゼリヤ. Because they serve various dishes and I can drink a lot of cheap alcohol.

171 :sage (ワッチョイW da29-p9YJ):2024/06/17(月) 15:53:14.93 ID:4J6o3LqF0.net
In that case, I’ll go to サイゼリヤ. There is one in the neighbourhood. I’m so bored in the hospital so I spend a lot of time on google map. lol

My go-to combo is some pasta, チョリソー and drink bar.

I’m going to enjoy the city after that. I’m not going to make my stomach full.

172 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/18(火) 04:40:27.48 ID:GynRsGcd0.net
White trush like Eron M is many in the world??
Erase it mmediately!!
Erase dust, everything is comfortable. Do it.

173 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/18(火) 11:30:28.96 ID:JhKf4/gnM.net
Ok. I’m being discharged now and took a walk which made some bowl momevent and I took a huge dump in the Uniqlo bathroom. Phew!

174 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1b4c-cdRp):2024/06/20(木) 01:06:49.21 ID:MECmE1R60.net
I'm hangry! but if I eat, I will gain weight.
I'm puzzled.

175 :sage :2024/06/21(金) 13:43:54.26 ID:xm5y7rrs0.net
Do some exercise! You'll be fine

176 :青木康善 :2024/06/21(金) 20:11:19.83 ID:iLKiGPUZ0.net
my mental hospital clinic change to ドヤ街寿町's place. I like new doctor.

177 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1bd0-cdRp):2024/06/21(金) 22:08:48.75 ID:JeLWqbnK0.net
Cats were fighting outside a while ago.
In a serious battle, their cry sounded a little scared.
This is the first time when I have heard cats fighting near my house.
I wonder if they wandered from somewhere.

178 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a338-iNSb):2024/06/22(土) 07:16:23.58 ID:gQulvclu0.net
Ambassador hire the criminal EronM poor white,

so I have to erase white trush.

Check criminal record asap.

179 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/22(土) 08:43:15.81 ID:GI6jB3Dq0.net
Why do you go to such hospital?
Uber hurts you?

180 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/22(土) 09:44:58.84 ID:JGBwQP/G0.net
Omg. I hate Android's keyboard so much!!!!!

181 :sage :2024/06/22(土) 09:45:06.43 ID:DEV2SFJF0.net
Do some exercise! You'll be fine

182 :sage :2024/06/22(土) 09:45:08.11 ID:DEV2SFJF0.net
Do some exercise! You'll be fine

183 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/22(土) 09:59:45.83 ID:XudcpJkP0.net
It is better than the iPhone's.
We can choose it in various products, which are not restricted to design by OS maker.

184 :sage :2024/06/22(土) 10:26:30.75 ID:JGBwQP/G0.net
Auto correction mode is none.
I even spent 5 miunites to write this post!!

185 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/22(土) 11:28:09.68 ID:XudcpJkP0.net
Probably, is it a physical Bluetooth keyboard?
If so, I can only say it depends on the products.
A lot of products have bad connectivity not related to Android.

186 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/22(土) 11:50:21.55 ID:JGBwQP/G0.net
No! I use pixel8a and so difficult to use! So i downloaded shimeji keyboard and using it. Gosh. How can pople actually stand this keyboard?!

187 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7fd0-cdRp):2024/06/22(土) 12:06:51.30 ID:XudcpJkP0.net
I haven't ever used Shimeji.
If you want the auto-correct, why don't you install Grammarly?
It is useful because provides a spell checker and a grammar checker.

I had mistaken the correction for a connection...

188 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/22(土) 12:50:41.30 ID:JGBwQP/G0.net
Thanks for the advice! I just downloaded Grammarly!!

So so annoying to type with this keyboard!! It's offical iphones are so much better than Android phones.
I cant believe people use Android...

189 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3f29-UA1a):2024/06/23(日) 07:53:49.76 ID:f4/WHqmG0.net
OK. I just downloaded the keyboard from Microsoft. Omg. So easy to type!!!

190 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/23(日) 09:03:30.56 ID:QiT8gOpc0.net
G’day mate

191 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/23(日) 09:44:55.81 ID:+XWUG2CL0.net
I once used it but it was fatal for me not to be able to input 全角スペース.

192 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/23(日) 09:59:32.84 ID:lbNFI4DpH.net
People still use 全角スペース?!I hate it even on my PC! I prefer 半角スペース, so every time I change it lol

193 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/24(月) 01:28:02.49 ID:cYPMOzbH0.net
I am tempted to bark to the sky when I hear the siren.
I wonder if my previous life is a dog. Or I am being crazy?
While drinking, that thought is on my mind.

194 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/24(月) 07:10:57.00 ID:1SiYwZfwH.net
If your condition gets worse, I recommend you to go to a mental clinic or something and get you some prescription drugs. This is important.

195 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/24(月) 09:03:07.92 ID:1SiYwZfwH.net
I'm so surprised that so many people don't use フリック入力. They use キーボード入力 or something!? I do キーボード入力 when typing in English but in Japanese I do フリック入力. I'm weird?

196 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7f1f-WX+m):2024/06/24(月) 13:44:48.96 ID:5VFQwTHF0.net
Also in the case of the English keyboard, some can type with グライド入力. I heard that was efficient but I didn't become used.

197 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3f29-0rX3):2024/06/24(月) 14:28:39.87 ID:msx9CE990.net
Is that easy? It seems difficult to use though..

198 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/24(月) 15:02:20.18 ID:5VFQwTHF0.net
It was too difficult for me.
But since the flow of a finger is probably limited, it may be efficient if I can get used to it taking a certain time.

199 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/24(月) 15:28:28.63 ID:/kQ6P3d2a.net
Anyone has どんぐりproblem?

200 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/24(月) 15:37:17.96 ID:+lffxSWra.net
I feel still Gboard is the best on keybord selection.

201 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/24(月) 15:44:31.77 ID:msx9CE990.net
OK. This is so called グラインド入力. Well, it's alright. But it feels so weird. Maybe it takes some time to get used to it? But it's revolutionary for sure!

202 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/24(月) 15:45:27.11 ID:msx9CE990.net
No fucking way!

203 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7f1f-WX+m):2024/06/24(月) 16:30:27.39 ID:5VFQwTHF0.net
I use GBoard too, which is useful in being able to operate the clipboard but converting to kanji is fairly poor.

204 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3f29-0rX3):2024/06/24(月) 16:50:28.58 ID:msx9CE990.net
I don't know how to 辞書登録 on andorids keyboard. So inconvenient...

By the way, you guys do invest or something like NISA or stock?

I'm kinda worried because many people do that for their future best eggs.

205 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2024/06/25(火) 16:24:00.44 ID:oiOATT0Q0.net
Omg! I love Yokohama so much!! I understand why Yokohama people sometimes are snobbish.. Haha

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